23 July 2009


"last update 1 week ago" hmmmmm.

well - it's not so bad. i didn't really have anything much to say. the days have passed in a sort of blur of randomness. penelope_stone went home on saturday, but while she was still around we went for walks and stuff, and to see harry potter (which was only ok. if it had been half an hour long it would have been really good, but there was just too much teenage stupidity). on friday we had a sushi party. that went quite well. some of lordkilljoy's work friends came over, and goblin_insane and claudia. it was a great night - everyone enjoyed the food and while a lot of the conversation was about people i don't know, we did discuss music a lot and that was good.

i'm playing daggerfall at the moment. my character, ajira (spy) is on 14th level and over half way through the main quest. the game is old and the graphics are bad, but i can see why i spent so much time playing that game when i was 15ish. there's so much to do and the world is so big. i'm thinking of going on an elder scrolls binge and playing morrowind again too. but morrowind takes a huge time investment and i'm not sure if i want to give it that. i might play for a day or two and see how i'm getting on. i still have sacred 2 to finish and it pops into my head every so often.

i recently rearranged all the plugs in the sitting room. we can now plug stuff out at night, instead of just leaving it on stand-by. i think lordkilljoy thinks i'm crazy and i know it only saves a tiny bit of electricity, but still.

i don't think i have any other news. we went to see moon last night. i enjoyed it.

right, i'm going to go now.

14 July 2009

a new week

so, i brought my bike for a service. now everything is working again and i've taken to exploring the countryside looking for a good route. i think i've found it. it's 13km - starts along the canal, goes over the train tracks and the motorway in a kinda big loop home. it's lovely, though, because there are hardly any cars on the roads - just people out walking their dogs or their children. yea - might do that one again tomorrow. if it stays dry today and dry the day after i might try some trails the next day, but right at the moment it's way too wet and muddy for it.

i've rewritten the start of the fall again. i now have 2 pages that i think might actually stay as the final thing. i need to add a bit more atmosphere, but it might work. or i might look back on this in a few months and go - i was so wrong. and i'm thinking of changing the title. the fall is used for so many books and films. i want something a little more original.

lordkilljoy got threecornersquare back for me. he's hosting it on his site and he bought me the domain for my birthday :) looking forward to getting it up and running again, since google closed down it's pages thing and sites isn't nearly as good. actually - i'd say that if there was one service i thought google was doing a bad job on, it would be sites. it's just not versatile enough.

mmmm, i don't have much other news. i had a good weekend at home. barry's game was great. because we don't get to meet that often, doing single quests each session works out way better. and we still manage to make a heap of trouble for the world... adventurers! pah - good for nothing but breaking things and being ignorant. yea... this week we released a litch-prince on the world. and of course we ran away and left whatever villages are nearby to thier fate. see - adventurers!

09 July 2009

bike troubles

yea. my brain really wasn't working yesterday. i knew there was something good that i wanted to post about, but i just couldn't remember it. it was the trip to denise and eamonn. seeing everyone was brilliant. louise is a mentally lively girl of 6, denise and eamonn haven't changed much, and their house is very similar to how i remember it. it seems everyone is getting on well. we tried to make plans to meet up again while penelope_stone is around, but everyone is busy.

My bike is giving some trouble at the moment. i'm not sure if it just needs a service or if there's an actual problem with it. the chain doesn't stay on the gears - it keeps slipping down to the next one and sort of permanently clicking over, as if it wants to change, but can't. i wish i knew more about bikes and how the gear system works. so that's really annoying. yesterday the chain fell off in the middle of me cycling - with no provocation at all. i haven't gone out today, because it's a little intimidating and aggravating not being able to trust your gears. i should look stuff up online.

not much else to say... i'm still playing sacred2. my main character is almost at level 30. i got to fight a dragon last night, but he killed me. well, actually - i just wasn't fast enough to drink a potion.

i think that's all my news.

08 July 2009

the weekend

ahh, i have so much news that i can't remember it all. penelope_stone was over for the weekend. we played mariokart wii, rock band, went for walks and on monday i helped her carry a load of climbing gear over to dalkey (on the train).
dalkey is a lovely spot, full of expensive mansions and pretty homes. it's the kind of place where more than one house has a round turret room and all the properties have massive walls around them and the cars that you see on the street are all bmws or mercs or porches or other sporty types.

hmm, i really can't think of anything to say.

03 July 2009

summer fun

i cycled 16.3kms today, mostly by accident. i left the house intending to do 12, had a nice route all planned out, but somewhere along the way i must have missed a turn-off, because i ended up in celbridge. yep - just checked google maps and that turn-off was easy to miss. but at least now i know that i can do 16kms with only slightly more difficulty than 10. well, the last km was all downhill, so maybe i should set my new target at 15. agh - i just had the worst thought: go the other way and have a 1km hill at the start of the journey. maybe i won't do that. i'll just have to keep a super-special eye out for the turnoff.

i'm still playing sacred2. my seraphim (whose name is seraphina) is at level 18. she's annoying and i want to play an evil high elf, but i don't want to invest 10+ hours leveling another character. i don't think lordkilljoy would let me. i'm hogging the tv every evening. i feel terrible. i'll just have to buy sacred2 on the PC and play it on his computer instead.

penelope_stone is coming up on saturday evening (giving me a change to get into town to see delichan and mytholder's comic launch thingy). we're going to visit denise and eamonn on sunday evening. I haven't seen them in forever. I'm kinda excited about it. and granny and martene will be there too. it's great. i'll finally get to meet louise too. it's crazy having cousins that you've never met.

ok, gotta go now - make the place presentable for penelope_stone. and hopefully get a bit of writing done too, but i doubt i'll get much done before lordkilljoy comes home.