27 September 2006

new userpic for a bad day

today has been bad. the weather is awful (depressing) and i've not even looked at fall (working title for my nanowrimo). i'm doing a snowflake (this'll make sence to those few friends who read the nano community) and i've decided to do a paragraph on all 13 members of the archassembly of angels and i'm also thinking i'll have to do one for all 13 members of the devils' council. anyway: i don't want to face it today, i'm not in the mood.

16 September 2006

lots of news about lots of stuff

my editing of zan / kej goes on. every day i say "i can get this finished today" and everyday i close having more to do. at this stage i'm just reading it out loud (thanks for that suggestion leinsterbard) to make sure everything sounds good - no repeated words and commas in the right place and stuff. i've tagged a few paragraphs for an overhaul, but just haven’t the willpower to go at them yet. i'm waiting for inspiration. i'm a firm believer that no idea should be a struggle, you just have to wait for the inspiration. of course sometimes it takes forever to get here. anyway. i'm also half way through the plot outline / synopsis for my novel. it also needs a name, probably something with "fall" in the title. zan / kej also needs a title. ah well.

ps - listening to really loud music and singing along does not help with editing.

08 September 2006


oh my god! how does anybody do editing? its the most difficult thing in the world. i mean, writing the damn thing was hard enough, but then realizing that what you wrote is flawed and having to think of a different way to do it... its really stressful. i'm supposed to be taking it easy. but this editing malarkey and learning to drive has me totally on edge and unable to sleep. i'm totally all over the place and i can't pull myself together enough to focus on the changes i have to make to my story. ahhhh.
and so i procrastinate by writing to my journal and checking my friends page - this has to be the 4th time today. not good. i guess it dosn't help that i've been left alone all day. i think i'll stop now, though and pl...
whey - mammy and daddy just came home! woo. and what's better is that seeing them gave me the motivation to write a whole new paragraph that explains Kej's point of view nicely. now just to find a different word for unreal.

07 September 2006

news about happy things

i got new leads for my pencil, so can write my nanowrimo outline with a good pencil - my faber castel one that adi gave me in germany - my favourite pencil. that's going well. i made the archassembly yesterday: they are shaping up to be a pretty cool group. they're reminding me of neil gaiman's endless (is that what they are called? dream, destruction, delirium, et al). i hate having to come up with names though, i have one and a half, i need 11 and a half more. buh. anyway - its good.

i'm also starting editing my zan kej story, thanatos_elnyx made some really good points, trying to incorporate them is a little challanging, but well.

ahhh - i'm so happy: i wish i had more to say. anyway, i guess i'll go. there's a short story festival on in town sometime soon + i want to go look up info on what's on. there's workshops - you never know, i may just pick up some improvement points.

right, so. bye.