28 November 2008


I got the 50,000 words today. In celebration I chose my christmas present and ordered it - it's a canon ixus 980is camera. We have the ixus 80 in work and i quite like it. but i want a compact digital camera that allows you to manually change all the settings, and especially iso, aperture and shutter. so i ordered that today and hopefully i will have a collection confirmation by monday. hopefully, anyway.

so yea - 50,000 words. i really struggled at the end. i got to a point where i have absolutely no idea how things are going to happen next. but i have the word count so i just stopped, in the middle of a paragraph. if i find time before sunday i might try to get a little more done.

mmm... i have no news, really. lainey316's birthday is this evening. that should be some fun. mulkabu is up for the weekend. I'm working saturday and sunday, but some fun should be had in the evenings anyway.

I'm really excited about my camera :)

24 November 2008

a theraputic rant

i don't know why hoovers annoy me so much, or why i really really hate hoovering. i've just finished hoovering the apartment and i feel like killing something right now. i suppose it dosn't help that my hormones are all over the place today, but still. why can i not just accept the hoovering and do it in peace? because the stupid thing bumps into everything and the wire gets caught around stuff and it dosn't just hoover bits of string up in one pass and the elephant trunk thing likes to do silly dances around me, like some kind of over-enthusiastic snake dog thing. haaaa - it's actually exactly like some kind of silly puppy who really just wants to please you, but who's pathetic cuteness is grating when all you want to do is make it stop. just act like a serious thing and stop kidding around! maybe if a hoover had a cute face and made cute noises when you rubbed it, i wouldn't find it quite as offensive as i do.
right - this rant isn't really helping me calm down any. maybe it's the loudness of the hoover that gets to me. because, really, it shouldn't make me feel this bad. it's just a silly machine that sucks things up and follows you around and makes loud noises. and the place does look better afterwards. hmmm. perhaps it is the noise of it. i feel better now that i think i've found the source of the annoyance. next time i'll wear earplugs. and put on ravel's piano works or something.

now i have to go to the village and get breakfasty sort of ingredients. and then i have to come home and write loads (i wanted to get ahead of my word count today) and then i hope lordkilljoy hasn't forgotten that we had sorta thought about going to the cinema tonight. ooh - maynooth is getting a cinema. it's so cool having a cinema just down the road. you don't need to plan in advance to go.

ok - i feel like usual bubbly self again. thanks again Lj therapy!!

20 November 2008


nano goes well. it's my first topic of this post, because i have made a decision to update my journal, rather than get a few words towards today's word count. i'm on target, with my 1667 words per day.

i went on a mini buying spree yesterday. i went into town (dublin) and bout lots of underwear (including a new pyjamas), a nice zip-up top and needles and thread. ooh, and blue fairy lights to make the sitting room look nice. lordkilljoy's reaction was quite reserved, so i'm not really sure what he thinks of them. well, i'm sure he thinks i'm totally crazy, but i amuse him, so he keeps me :)

i'm still playing fallout 3 - progressing really really slowly, i only reached level 4 after a week of playing or whatever. i've started soul bubbles on ds too. it's really cute and fun. thanks to frosthearted for telling me about it.

hmmm... i don't know what else i have to say. i suppose i'll just go.

18 November 2008

the weekend in cork

before livejournal goes down today i would like to say that the train goes really fast. distractingly fast, actually - i was glad it was dark or i would have gotten no writing done.

my weekend was excellent. got home to see my parents and taleweavers people, and the random animals who hang around our house. had a lovely dinner of salmon pie on sunday and went into town on monday (i tried to buy lots of stuff, but ended up with just new gloves which i bought because the material was so soft).

last night i dreamed of looking for a car at a dealership in the middle of a post-nuclear-looking town. that's what i get for watching top gear and then playing fallout3 before bed. i'm really enjoying fallout3.

right - got to go water the bonsai.

14 November 2008

going home

I have this kind of travel problem. I'm going home for the weekend, and I have train tickets booked, but I don't believe that I'm actually going to get on the train. I will only believe it once I am actually on the train and it starts moving. The same thing used to happen to me every time we move on to somewhere new while travelling across the world. So I should be excited about the weekend, but i'm just dubious. It's kind of awful.

As you can tell, I'm getting very little writing done :( I'll have so much to do on wednesday (my next day off after the weekend*)

*the weekend being sunday and monday.

work peeves

my lungs are not invincible, and wearing my scarf around my mouth does actually help with cold getting into them. it was pretty mild today, so i decided to try cycling back to work after lunch without my scarf around my mouth. my lungs were burning with cold after the 7 minute cycle. at least i know that my scarf is actually doing a lot of good. i don't just look like some hippy bandit raider.
i grow sicker of work every day. they are so unrealistic. they want us to sell the same amount of laptops we sold this time last year and they don't want us selling anything under €900. people just don't have that kind of money any more.
i also don't think i'm really cut out for sales. i'm too used to being poor and not buying things, so when people come in to buy stuff, i don't know how to convince them - 'cause i'm good at talking myself out of buying stuff. i also don't believe in convincing people to buy stuff they don't need; like when someone comes in for one thing and they go out without that one thing, but with 5 other things they didn't need.
:sigh: we'll see how stuff goes in a month and a half - my 3 month trail is up then.

right. now i must write. i have just under 3,000 words to do tonight. i'm a glutton for punishment. but i'm really suffering week 2 doldrums. i just have no motivation at all. oh well.

11 November 2008

nano troubles

For the first time since nanowrimo started, i am using livejournal as a procrastination measure. things are not going well today, and i have no idea why not. i'm in the middle of a scene, i know how things will play out (more or less), everything should be flying. but it's not. it's crawling and i feel absolutely terrible. buh. i think i miss zachery. he keeps popping up in people's memories - a little way of getting him in there. writing twilight especially makes me want to have zachery in there. because, while she's nothing like him, she has knowledge like he did - only not on the same topic, obviously.

i was trying to get 6,000 words done today, but i totally lack motivation. i'm going slower than ever and have no flow at all.

not even this journal entry has flowed. i've stopped about three times because no words will come to me. my brain is empty of everything.

07 November 2008

more nano ramblings

i'm still in the green zone with my nano effort for this year. getting going today was a bit of a struggle. i wrote nothing this morning, about 100 words at lunch, but got into a good flow this evening. well, a little slow, but still got done by 9. i kinda had to be done by then because i had to go into work to close up (greg had no keys). so i jogged the last 500 words and did them in half an hour. i remember the last nano (last year doesn't really count, cause i got all of 8,000 words or something) 500 words taking about 4 hours or something. it's kinda mad when you are stuck for time, you do push yourself to work faster. i actually think things are working out better this year... but then i wonder does being 2 years older make a difference?

anyway. that's really all i have to say. professor layton, here i come for an hour or so :)

06 November 2008

nano records and other news from the front

i wrote 3,764 words in four hours today. That is totally a record for me. I think 4,000 is my record and that took about 10 hours or something. I think i'm getting faster :) having motivation to get done really helps. lordkilljoy is going to be home any minute and i wanted to be able to spend the evening with him. but i wanted to do that without worrying about how i didn't make my word count for the day. we're planning on going to the cinema. i'm happy, if tired. writing that much really takes it out of you. and i got 13 hours sleep last night; i needed every minute of it. i think the dark circles under my eyes are just about gone... well severely reduced anyway. but i'm at 10,000 and something small words and not even out of chapter one. i seriously have length problems. from the looks of things this novel is going to be even longer than the fall. and it's going to be even tougher to edit, because i have four paragraphs as an outline so my writing is very unstructured, i'm just adding in things as i feel like it.


i'm a little worried though. the last time i did 4,000 words was near the end of nano and i totally burned myself out. not going to happen this time. i just did it to catch up. the MGMT gig on monday threw everything out because i got no writing done. and i did nothing at all yesterday because i was totally exhausted all day. i went to bed at 9:30 last night, after almost falling asleep half on the floor and half on the couch in the sitting room. hmmm. i think i will try to go to bed early tonight too.

yea... MGMT kind of fell under the nano sweep of november. it was a really good gig. the crowd was lively (putting it nicely - they went totally insane to all the popular songs and i just had to let the crush keep me up because my balance wasn't up to keeping me steady in the rush). but it was excellent fun.

not much else new: work is the same. we put all our christmas stuff up over the week. i've come to the realization that between working in dod the last few chrsitmases and spending it in wellington in high summer (it was a manky rainy, drizzly day), christmas just dosn't mean that much to me any more. it's just another day.

k - lordkilljoy's home now. time to go.

02 November 2008

nanowrimo time

happy november everyone. it's nanowrimo month, woo! lordkilljoy is awesome. heh - writing with someone beside you is funny!
yea. this year i'm attempting the third instalment of my zan / kej / zachery trilogy. insanity, but i'll never write it if i don't do it as a nano novel.

it's very hard to write when /someone/ is warming their toes on you. right.

i have work in 25 minutes. but i have a bike now :) my bike to be precise. lordkilljoy brought it up from cork for me yesterday. i'm happy. i really like my bike. gosh i sound like some kind of 6 year old or something. yea. wrimo writing brings my quality control down to 0. woo for exceptionally bad writing.

we're going to MGMT tomorrow evening. that should be fun. i'm listening to them now one last time before the gig.

i have it in my head that i want some shokubutsu green tea shower gel. the only problem is that the closest place to get it is in malaysia. me and penelope_stone got some when we were there and it was lovely. so lovely that we took a picture of the bottle. but i don't have time to go rooting around on the internet for it.

i don't really have much other news. i played assassin's creed for halloween. so amazingly halloween themed activity! blah. i had fun playing though. it's a fun sort of game if you just want to run away from people a lot. i did kind of realize that taking guards down with a knife from a distance or assassinating them from behind really works well.

we made fried rice last night with bacon bits, chicken, sweetcorn and carrots. and eggs (i always forget the eggs). it was very yummy. yea.

i'll just go now.