21 September 2012

I think I made yeast

So it's no great secret that I hate doing the dishes. I'll let them pile up and overflow the sink until, eventually, it's gets bad enough that I wash them. I got around to doing them today and there was a pot which had been used to cook potatoes. Just boil them, nothing else - not even a bit of salt in the water. When I took the potatoes out of the pot, I left it by the sink (didn't empty the water or anything) and when I got to it today I was expecting a really bad smell (the lid had been on up until now). But I was pleasantly surprised by a fresh yeasty smell when I opened the lid. It was quite lovely, actually (if you like that smell). I felt really bad throwing it down the sink. That was living yeast I just killed. I would have loved to experiment with it making bread, but I don't know if it can be extracted from the water it was growing in.

I bit my tongue this morning eating breakfast. The rest of breakfast had a distinct flavour of blood to it. It's still sore now.

Ooh. Big news. I'm making studded leather armour from Skyrim for halloween.


I fell in love with this armour the first moment I put it on (almost a year ago - it was the first set of armour I picked up. Actually, I loaded up my second ever save, because I knew I'd get references easily, and it was kind of nostalgic seeing my lvl 38 stealth character all the way back at lvl 5). I wanted to cosplay it all the way back then, and now I have a good excuse. I'm going to try working with craft foam - because it's cheap and available. I'm doing up the pattern now, and I've got the waist bit done out on paper and just putting it around my middle made me really excited. I have high hopes that if I actually manage to get this done it's going to look amazing.

I would like to note here, too, that Guild Wars 2 is the most fun ever. lordkilljoy and I have been playing almost every day since it came out.

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