27 August 2013

my hair is PURPLE

Tired post ahead - you have been warned.

I have purple hair. It's so amazing. Every time I pass a mirror (which is quite often given that we have at least one in every room) I see it and I smile, which evolves to a laugh, which evolves to a happy dance. It's so amazing. I was at the hairdresser for about three hours today. She did a great job on it - both the colour and the cut. I think I look about 12, but that might just be because I'd gotten used to icky sort-of long in-my-face shaggyness. I was well fed up of my grown out hair. But this new hair is amazing. I know I said that already - read the disclaimer.

So, what else... I'm touching up my dovahkiin outfit for the weekend. I redid the bracers from scratch, and next is to make the "studs" look better, then to round out the edges of all the "leather" bits. I must log into the game and check the studs to see if I'm inspired on how to get them to look better. I still haven't figured out a way to do the little shield-thing on the shoulder (gardbrace?). If my sculpting skills were better I'd make it from reinforced clay, but as it is I need some sort of guide or mold and I haven't come up with anything.

Okay. Check out armour in Skyrim, then off to bed.


  1. Your hair is gorgeous. Mary thnks, and I agree, it's the nicest we've seen it.

    Love Brian

    1. Thanks :) I keep fiddling with my fringe because I'm not used to seeing so much of my forehead.
