it's really wierd, checking my journal on a computer in a forign country. emailing people wasn't so bad, but this is such a normal thing - i just checked my messages and was like "i only ever do this at home". odd. it's strange to think that i won't have a home for a year. not a real one.
it's funny the places you find to feel "safe" while away from familiar territory. airports and while in a car / plane are the only places i feel are familiar to me these days. it's a bit stressful, really, not having anywhere to ground yourself - i find my eyes welling up and my throat constricting at random intervals, but it passes quickly and everything is good again. i was just saying to penelope_stone how the good bits are amazing and how the bad bits are annoying, but quickly forgotten when things are going well.
i'd hate to have something really bad happen. i don't really think i could handle it.
so yea - this is a copy of the email i sent to everyone.
we're in Dharmshala now, with the monks and the Tibetans. one annoying thing about India is the Indians. everyone else is quite nice, but the Indians are such a pain.
we had a bit of an adventure when we arrived here (in India i mean). our hostel had no booking for us and so we were homeless in Delhi, in a cab that didn't know where the Tibetan enclave was. he brought us to a travel agents instead, which told us that every hostel in Delhi was booked out because of Indian holidays.
anyway - we ended up spending e1000 on an all inclusive tour, which has been working out very well, but wasn't really what we wanted. although, i would hate to have to deal with Indians at every stop, because this way we just get in a car, go to our next destination and check into our hotel when we get there.
so, apart from the people, India is a beautiful place. the Himalayas are amazingly beautiful. Delhi, while hot, has it's charm. there are tonnes of trees everywhere, a pleasant change from the fields and ditches of Ireland. i don't have pics, cause they are all on Askea's camera.
yep - so much has happened, and i have a wonderful journal that i'm writing in every day, but i'm just too lazy to take it out of my bag and type up.
My life as it unfolds week by week (or month by month depending on how interesting things are).
28 April 2007
19 April 2007
the start of the travels
so this is my last night in my own bed for a year. not that this thought saddens me, i've never had a very comfortable mattress.
my hair is 7mm long.

it's really wierd. when the wind blows through it, it feels like ants are crawling on my head. it is really gross and icky. i see penelope_stone and i get a minor shock to see her hair so short. i suppose it must be the same for her.
i can't find the lid to a luchbox, the lunchbox i have my electronic things in. i can't think of much to say. we went to freakscene last night. mr. fadd played terrible music. as liam commented, it was like listening to daytime radio. i'm a bit tired now, though.
i had my last night of archery. my last arrow was an 8 pointer, heh. not bad. i'll miss it, i think. i'll have to find a club in new zealand.
i'm going on an airplane tomorrow! woooooo! i love airplanes, they are so cool. weeee.
goodbye so. my next post will be from asia. waaaa - how cool is that?! :) :) eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
my hair is 7mm long.
it's really wierd. when the wind blows through it, it feels like ants are crawling on my head. it is really gross and icky. i see penelope_stone and i get a minor shock to see her hair so short. i suppose it must be the same for her.
i can't find the lid to a luchbox, the lunchbox i have my electronic things in. i can't think of much to say. we went to freakscene last night. mr. fadd played terrible music. as liam commented, it was like listening to daytime radio. i'm a bit tired now, though.
i had my last night of archery. my last arrow was an 8 pointer, heh. not bad. i'll miss it, i think. i'll have to find a club in new zealand.
i'm going on an airplane tomorrow! woooooo! i love airplanes, they are so cool. weeee.
goodbye so. my next post will be from asia. waaaa - how cool is that?! :) :) eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
17 April 2007
almost gone
i think my luck for this month has been really bad. usually, i'm such a lucky person, everything works out perfectly, but recently things have been going a bit squewy. my application for a credit card got refused, my stomach has been paining me, and today, top of the bill, i failed my driving test. i just hope everything sorts itself out before friday. i'd hate to think my bags will get stolen, the hostel will have no record of our booking and we'll be kidnapped and ransomed in delhi, all because my natural luck has run out.
not that i think it has - it just likes to stay balanced. usually everything is good but when it turns, everything crashes. ah well.
i'm trying to pack - it's dull. i still have to finish my novel. i don't think that is going to happen at this stage. i could do it tomorrow, i guess. maybe.
only 2 days left at home. god, that's a little scary. then out into the big world, with no anchor back to what i know as real; everything different and new and scary. really scary. but fun. an adventure. wooo! something to really write about at last. no more inane blather about work, or college, or random page-filler that no one really wants to know about. fluf that is forgotten as soon as read. no. this will be decent. :roll eyes: yea right!
anyway. it's a little dark in here, so i will go.
not that i think it has - it just likes to stay balanced. usually everything is good but when it turns, everything crashes. ah well.
i'm trying to pack - it's dull. i still have to finish my novel. i don't think that is going to happen at this stage. i could do it tomorrow, i guess. maybe.
only 2 days left at home. god, that's a little scary. then out into the big world, with no anchor back to what i know as real; everything different and new and scary. really scary. but fun. an adventure. wooo! something to really write about at last. no more inane blather about work, or college, or random page-filler that no one really wants to know about. fluf that is forgotten as soon as read. no. this will be decent. :roll eyes: yea right!
anyway. it's a little dark in here, so i will go.
13 April 2007
i feel occasional pangs of remorse
yes - i'm aware how long it has been since i posted last. nothing has really happened since then. well, it has really.
we are getting organized for our trip. we did a practice pack last weekend - i'm seriously considering bringing only one pair of pants and only a few different tops.
our indian visas came through yesterday and arrived today. i have my first stamp on my passport. wheee!!
i'm having serious trouble with my driving test. it got re-scheduled to the 8th of may and i need it within 6 days. i really don't think that is going to happen. it will have been such a waste of time and money (and emotion) if i don't get my test before i leave, cause i can't see myself doing it after i return.
in one week i'll be on the road to dublin. wooo! i booked our hostel in delhi - i hope it's nice. it's 6km from the city centre. i don't mind - it's in the tibeten enclave, away from the worst of the touts and beggars and stuff.
why do people not accept that as a writer i can't spell some words? like responce and availible. is it not ok to master grammar if you have a few (hundred) words that you can't spell? oh well. i still have 2000 words (about) to write to finish my novel. it's the very last scene and i don't quite know (still) how to work it out. another battle is fine and all, but that will be three in a row. is it a bit much to end the book in a flair of magic and swords and stuff? meh.
i'm up to ep9 of heroes. the "wow" factor has waned but it is still very good. hiro is my favourite character. and peter. and isacc. he looks better as a junkie - clean hair dosn't suit him.
mmm, what else. i got the 3d houses finished. i should put them up on dA. if i think about it when i go home. they are ok. they have some problems, but it took waaay too long to render them for me to go back and fix them. the biggest one took 11 hours to render. the quality is really good.
right so. i guess i'll go now. i've filled up enough of people's friends' pages.
we are getting organized for our trip. we did a practice pack last weekend - i'm seriously considering bringing only one pair of pants and only a few different tops.
our indian visas came through yesterday and arrived today. i have my first stamp on my passport. wheee!!
i'm having serious trouble with my driving test. it got re-scheduled to the 8th of may and i need it within 6 days. i really don't think that is going to happen. it will have been such a waste of time and money (and emotion) if i don't get my test before i leave, cause i can't see myself doing it after i return.
in one week i'll be on the road to dublin. wooo! i booked our hostel in delhi - i hope it's nice. it's 6km from the city centre. i don't mind - it's in the tibeten enclave, away from the worst of the touts and beggars and stuff.
why do people not accept that as a writer i can't spell some words? like responce and availible. is it not ok to master grammar if you have a few (hundred) words that you can't spell? oh well. i still have 2000 words (about) to write to finish my novel. it's the very last scene and i don't quite know (still) how to work it out. another battle is fine and all, but that will be three in a row. is it a bit much to end the book in a flair of magic and swords and stuff? meh.
i'm up to ep9 of heroes. the "wow" factor has waned but it is still very good. hiro is my favourite character. and peter. and isacc. he looks better as a junkie - clean hair dosn't suit him.
mmm, what else. i got the 3d houses finished. i should put them up on dA. if i think about it when i go home. they are ok. they have some problems, but it took waaay too long to render them for me to go back and fix them. the biggest one took 11 hours to render. the quality is really good.
right so. i guess i'll go now. i've filled up enough of people's friends' pages.
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