so time passed, yet i don't have much to write about.
really what i want to say is that lunar eclipses are freaky. i'd never seen one before and there was one last night at 10:30 - a perfect opportunity, really, or so i would have thought. good weather, clear, warm-ish. but no, the one night i wanted it to be clear it was cloudy. and freezing. but anyway, enough of complaining. i did manage to see the moon close to totality and that was enough to freak me out. it looks so unnatural seeing a dark red moon hanging in the sky, too dim to illuminate anything. the wind clacked through winter-bare branches and whistled through the wires around our house. with the dark, cold and wind, the broken red moon was enough to scare me back inside quite quickly.
but i'm glad i saw it. i've never managed to witness one before, so it was an experience. i'm thinking the next one that comes around on a warm summer's night i'll watch in full - lie outside for 4hours and freak out as the moon shrivels and then feel relief as it fills back to normal again.
i'm at work now; it's quiet. what am i doing, you ask? working as a "reservations consultant" at a timeshare exchange company. confused? i was too when i took the job. it took a couple of hours to grasp just exactly what i'd be doing, but the basics are that i search for hotels around the world for people to stay in. it's good enough work, not too stressful and there's a good bunch of people working here.
i work from 12pm to 8pm, so i have mornings for writing. all good - i've finally got around to writing the end of "the fall" (aka my zachery story i was writing last year). i had to actually figure out how the ending was going to go first, but i got that done and started on the actual writing yesterday - i have about 800 words so far. i'd like to get about 6,000 or 10,000 for the end, though. but i'm not sure that that will happen. i also have the problem that the 1st and 2nd books are blending into eachother too much. i don't know where to just cut and stop writing. because i could go all the way up until zachery sees zan, but that really has no place in book1.
oh well - i'll figure that out when i get there. yes.
life in NZ is going well. we travel to places around christchurch on the weekends, well places that the buses go to anyway.
yea, i've not much else to say. i'm going to go clean my screen now - it's really dirty.