27 February 2009


i got down to kerry ok yesterday. penelope_stone's house is amazing. they have so many little cubby spaces filled with pretty ornaments, and things. their fishtank looks luminous - it's in a dark corner and the light really stands out.

we went to rossbeigh last night for a twilight walk. it was dark-ish heading out and got darker as we went. the stars came out and we watched the little sliver of new moon sink below the horizion.

it was a beautiful morning, sunny with little clouds, but now it has turned into a drizzley, misty, wet sort of a day. not very dull, but not really inspiring to go outside. because you will get wet, in minutes. hopefully it will clear up soon.

right, i'm off to go drive around the kerry way with penelope_stone

26 February 2009

a few days at home

wow, one and a half pages of friends entries to get through (that's like 60 entries, mad). so i'm off to kerry today. i'm really looking forward to it.

i went into town yesterday and broke my non-spending policy. why is it that when i have no money coming in, i find nice clothes to buy. well, actually, i think it's that cork is better for shopping in. maybe it's because there aren't the massive crowds and because i know the layout of all the shops. but anyway, i got 2 new hoodies and a t-shirt, which is magenta (i don't know why i was attracted to it, but it will go well with a black long-sleeved top under it).

i haven't really been doing much all week. i've been getting 10 hours sleep the last few nights... i have no idea why i'm sleeping so long, 9 is usually what i need. and i've been having really vivid dreams - like really brightly coloured and loads of movement in each scene.

ow, this flexible rubber keyboard is making my fingers sore. i'm going to go now.

21 February 2009

the evening news

i went to see bolt yesterday (well, technically it was two days ago, but well). i really enjoyed it, your typical disney movie: funny, emotional, very well animated. i love disney movies anyway.

i really shouldn't be updating my journal right now. i'm tired and need to go to bed, but i'm lazy and don't want to leave the warmth of the sitting room.

tomorrow is my last day at work. yeay. then i get to go home and see my parents and penelope_stone's house and fish. that will be good.

so yoshi won the battle of wills. we are just feeding him morio worms now, i did a bit of research and it is ok for them to be his staple, as long as they eat well and we dust them with vitamins and calcium. he's putting on a bit of weight now. he's a cute pudgy little lizard. (i feel like writing kawaii, but i will resist).

lordkilljoy is playing mass effect at the moment. it dosn't seem like a bad game. i don't think it has the theme / overall feel to keep me interested if i was playing, but it's fun watching him play. and i'm modelling one of the guns in 3ds max. it's going slowly, after an evening's work, i'm about half way though the modelling.

right. i have no energy left and my brain is mush.

19 February 2009

news for today

The xbox came back to us today. well, actually, it was a replacement, all clean, new and shiny. and my fable game isn't working. something about downloaded content being different. i'm very sad. i'm totally not starting a new game, so i'll never get to play again. awh :(

i have no news. yoshi isn't eating crickets. he's going to get malnourished if we keep feeding him mealworms.

a quad-core does 3ds renders very quickly. i need something to render.

right - i'm going to go find some blue-prints or something.

i have a new user-pic :)

17 February 2009

things of today

i figured out the problem with my keyboard. there was too much metal between the transmitter and the receiver. so i moved all my stuff from a metal box to a cloth one. it seems to have helped.

i went into the social welfare office today and picked up forms that need to be filled in. they need to be handed in on the first day of my unemployment.

mad - i just got distracted from writing this entry by the design for the cappanalea site. that's a first. i'm somewhat chuffed by this achievement!

i really don't have much to say. my other big news of the day is that the bank does not want to give me a credit card. again. that's twice now that they have rejected my application. my last attempt was two years ago, it seems they still have something against me. damn, and i really want to be able to buy stuff online.

right. off i go again.

15 February 2009


I had a really good day yesterday, well after i got home from work, that is. lordkilljoy bought and cooked dinner for me (3 courses), and got me a beautiful rose. Dinner was delicious, we settled in to watch a movie after and finished up the evening in the pub discussing religion and politics. The religion part was interesting, but try as he may, lordkilljoy will never get me to care about politics. In fact, we have directly opposite views on politics. He thinks it is of vital importance to everyone in the country, and i think it is the greatest farce ever to have been invented. But anyway. He's suffering somewhat badly today from an over-indulgence in wine. I tried some and almost spit it out it tasted so foul. I really don't know how anyone drinks it.
It was a good valentines, though. Usually i just ignore it and hope it will go away, and it does, but it was good this year. I guess having a boyfriend makes a difference.

Our lizards arn't doing so well. It turned out that Yoda and Yoshi were both males and yoda started intimidating and attacking yoshi. Poor dudeums was really scared. So lordkilljoy brought yoda back to the pet shop and got a different one (who we called yoshimi in the hopes that it would be a girl) but it turns out that he is a guy too and also has territorial issues. awh. so we are thinking of just keeping yoshi on his own now. I think we should try to get a girl somewhere in a few weeks.

I finish work in a week. I can't wait. I'm totally going home for about 4 days the first week i'm unemployed.

13 February 2009

So i handed in my notice yesterday. I've never actually handed in a notice before. Mostly contracts have ended, or employers have known the day i'll be leaving for ages. But anyway. It's over now. My last day is the 22nd. Yeay.

We went to see the wrestler the other night. Darren Aronofsky makes movies that affect me so badly. Like requiem for a dream: that movie left me scarred for weeks. The fountain had me in tears from about half way though, and the wrestler made me faint. There's one bit in it were there's some kind of crazy blood-frenzy wrestling going on and they are stapling each other and sticking in thumb tacks and wrapping each other in barb wire and stuff. It was utterly gross. Even worse was when all the tacks and staples had to be pulled out again. Gross. I think the fact that i'd eaten a lot of really salty pop-corn on an empty stomach didn't help either. lordkilljoy will probably say i'm just making excuses, but it's happened to me before that i've fainted eating pop-corn. But the gory scenes were definitely a catalyst. It took me about 10 minutes to recover. My ears were buzzing and i couldn't hear anything. I missed the whole next scene because of it.

My keyboard is being a little annoying. It's starting to miss some keys. Hmmm. This just won't do at all. It's not like lordkilljoy doesn't have about 5 keyboards lying around, but i really like this one.

In lizard-y news... Yoda has stopped eating and has taken to hiding in the corner. His skin has turned very brown. I'm a little concerned. Yoshi is doing well, though. He seems to have settled in. He ate 2 mealworms this morning. yeay. I should post pics.

I was talking to penelope_stone today. Her fish laid eggs recently. That's so crazy!

You can tell i've been doing proper work recently, because there are a few capital letters scattered in among my sentences.

11 February 2009

chinese water dragons

it has taken too long for me to get around to writing this post. but work is screwing around with my hours, again (why does this still surprise me? i'm actually this close to quitting. my mood has plummeted and whatever little bit of motivation i'd worked up over the last week and a bit is totally gone. i just don't care at all for the petty, unorganized, greedy company i work for. i really should quit.) so i haven't had a chance.

we got lizards on saturday evening. green water dragons. two of them.
they are adorable, but i think they are finding it a little hard to settle into their new home. they aren't eating that much and their skin looks healthy occasionally, but the rest of the time is sort of pale and lacking lustre. we need to try to get the humidity up in the tank. it's at 40% and needs to be at 80%, but even spraying it down a few times a day does nothing.
anyway, the two cuties are called yoshi and yoda. they are about a (small) hand long, not including their tales, which are about a foot. we have no clue what sex they are, but we'll find out when they get a bit older.

i'm doing up a website for penelope_stone, but i'm having trouble finding time to work on it. i should be doing it now, but i really needed to update my livejournal. i had news that needed sharing.

yea, it's funny. we got pet lizards, and they need food, so we have temporary pet crickets and locusts. the dudes are picky eaters, though, and will only eat crickets (and a few mealworms). i don't know how to get them to eat new food. we tried them with an apple too; they didn't even look at it. ah well.

i don't really have any other news. bye, then.

[edit] my mood for today is annoyed, which i debated over choosing, but i think i chose right. i'm totally distracted - i forgot to choose a user pic and give this post a title. :sigh:

03 February 2009


so, it turns out that the heating had an airlock problem and wasn't working. it's now 13° in here. a significant improvement, but i would prefer if it was at least 17; 22 is best.

i had a semi-productive morning. looked into magazine submissions and got some washing done. i figured out why lordkilljoy's numerous (aka infinite) black socks annoy me. they have innate shields against OCD (aka perfectionism). i just can't put them together like i do for my socks. or maybe it's that they have OCD aggravating x20 or something. it would be just far too difficult to actually put them in matching pairs because there is so many of them and they are practically all the same. and black and boring. and just no fun at all.

that's all i wanted to say really. it's still snowing here. it's mad. the one advantage to living in the midlands. they have more seasonal weather than the south.

snow day

bbrrrrrrrrr..... it is 8° in here right now. that is so freezing. i have 4 layers on (one of which is davidnarby's ex-jumper). and my fingers are so cold. i have arm-warmers on, but it dosen't help with cold finger-tips. me thinks me will have something warm for breakfast. there's still a bit of jordans with which to make uber-yummy porridge. and then i need to go into the social welfare office to see if they will bring my income up to dole level now that i am part time. i wonder will it snow again and if so will that affect the trains. the last thing i want is to get stranded in dublin. it looks like it will get bad again this afternoon. i need to be home before 3.

right. so i'm off to make breakfast.

02 February 2009

snow morning

bonsai number one got a hair cut last night. he looks a little shaved today. i gave him bonsai tonic too - he's looking a little worse for wear. poor dude. when i look at him and then look at bonsai number two, i think: i hope i can keep number two in better condition than this guy.

went to see 2 films over the weekend: nick and norah's infinite playlist and underworld: rise of the lycans. both were quite enjoyable, though underworld didn't have nearly enough good fight scenes.
and on the way home from the cinema it was kind of hail stoning, just little ones, and because the road was dry, they weren't sticking to anything. so the wind was blowing them around the road in crazy waves and swirls. it looked really cool. we kept looking out for snow last night, but the weather did not co-operate. however, we woke up this morning to a thin layer of snow covering everything. it's melting quickly, but it's still pretty.

the downside of the snow, though, is that everything is freezing. it's 11.5º in here - i can barely type my hands are so cold.

i can't think of anything else to say. i'm not working 'til 12 today. i'm supposed to be writing right now. i think i may just go into the sitting room and turn on the fire and write in my a4 pad. yes. that sounds good. and i'll sit on the floor, right next to the flames.

[edit] yes - i knew there was more i wanted to write about. lordkilljoy's xbox died last night. it got the fatal red ring of death. so we are sending it off this week (hopefully tomorrow). i'll miss fable2, and i really wanted to play rock band again. but at least microsoft will repair it under warranty and have it back to us within 2 weeks.

the other thing is: me and lordkilljoy are thinking of getting a pet gecko. just a little one. i've kind of always wanted a pet reptile. i think they are adorable.