I'm only 11 days late: happy new year, livejournal! 2013 isn't off to the best start for me ever, but it's getting better as I get over this cough / cold / 5-day headache / general affliction in which nothing much is actually wrong with me, but I don't feel quite right. Anyway, today I've been feeling mostly better.
I'm playing spec ops: the line at the moment and it's making me want to visit Dubai. I want to go on an architectural holiday. Because if the buildings in the game are anything to go by this city is the most amazing looking thing ever. I just took a moment to look up the actual buildings in Dubai and I think the game took liberties with reality.
So, apart from the architecture, the game is very pretty with dust-filled skies making everything pink and orange and red. It's also impossible. I keep dying (playing on normal), but at least it saves checkpoints often so you never get set back too far. Which makes me think they set out to make it so that you die lots. Twice now it's asked me (very politely, I might add) if I want to go down to an easier difficulty. But mostly it's fine, just when we get pinned down I die a lot. And once again, I've found that I am most successful with a humble pistol. And I don't run out of ammo with it either.
So apart from games and not feeling well, I'm back writing after the christmas break. I'm only managing a page a day, but it's better than nothing. I'm going super-hard on poor Zachary this time around. It's all good.
Right, I must eat.