18 January 2007

101 pages

see that title? yea? good. that is now the length of my novel, of which the working title is beginning to stick and i am considering calling "The Fall". perhaps that is a bit ambiguous, though. random young person (i say young because it's the kind of thing that used happen to me when i was younger) goes into a book shop and thinks "'The Fall' wow, cool book about autumn, let me look at it. awh, wait. this isn't about autumn, it's just some crummy fantasy about a stupid angel. god, who wants to read that crud." yea, so then they go and say to their friends "that ria one, the one with the fall book, is a total sell out. i mean, angels. god. who'd buy that?"

heh heh. i am currently laughing at myself. better than a minute ago. some random person called to the door and rang the chimes for about 10 minutes. i huddled in my room hoping for a) daddy to realize someone was at the door and go open it b)mammy to wake up and check it out c) the person to go away. number c happened, but not for ages and in that time i was deeply considering turning off my lights and hiding in my bed. i'm such a weirdo. i'm scared of people at the door. god, like. i really just hate people who bang on the door for ages, though - and those really persistent ones who then get their car keys and tap at the windows. whuuuu :shudder: those people drive me under the table for ages and ages.

heh - yea. enough ranting. i got to 101 pages today. i was so happy. and the part i'm on is so exciting too. it's all downhill for poor zachery from today + this makes me incredibly happy for some sadistic reason. i just love when misfortune befalls my characters. it's when you really get to see what they are made of - in zachery's case, hatred and anger. wooo!! whey for evilness! yeay. i wonder will "my great public" have a problem reading about the bad guy? well, he's not really bad - just very much a product of the events in his life and quite misguided about they way his life is turning out.

i can't wait to go to asia. we are going to have so much fun. i find myself dreaming about india these nights. in other random news - i'm listening to "saturday night wrist", "so divided" and "the eraser" these days and really enjoying them. it sorta makes me hopeful for good music for 2007 and beyond.


i'm going to go now. bye.

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