26 September 2007

wierd things happen to your brain during your period

i had the oddest thing happen in my dream last night. i had been captured by some evil people who'd been chasing me (they used knock-out gas or something). once i saw the smoke billowing from them, i dropped to the ground, thinking "smoke rises". anyway... then, while i was lying on the floor waiting to go unconscious, they gave me a form to fill in. the only bit of it i can remember was the field that said "stage of cycle" or something like that, and i wrote BLOOD - in caps, like that.
then i woke up this morning, went to the bathroom and sure enough, my period had started.

so yea... oddness.

i have my story for finished. i just have to type it up. i still suck at typing stuff up - i just go so slowly + my brain likes to invent words that arn't on the page and go off adding in extra stuff. my story's pushing 2,000 words as it is. i must go check what the absolute word-count limit is. [edit: sweet, no limit.]

not a whole lot else to say. i would like some food right now, dinner's not for another hour and ten minutes. i have rice, plain fried. kinda dull and not really filling, but well. i wanted to buy an egg this morning, but they don't sell single eggs and i couldn't afford six. :shrug: anyone know anything cheap that works well as a filler / flavour for staples?

ah well.


  1. Our Dreaming Mind

    I think that I mentioned coming across the book "Our Dreaming Mind" on our bookshelf, and that I read it. We dream during REM sleep (yea, I know you know). The interesting thing is that we mainly dream about what is going on in our lives at the moment. The other interesting thing is that they wakened the guinea pigs (can't think of the word for the person who's been experimented on) during non-rem sleep and found that they were thinking rather than dreaming. A Course In Miracles maintains that we are always thinking even when we're asleep. I guess this is confirmation.

    Cashew nuts and soy sauce are a good flavour enhancer for rice. Or any other nuts you prefer.

  2. Re: Our Dreaming Mind

    cashew nuts here are really expensive - more expensive than chicken. it's terrible.

    as for non-rem thinking... that's really cool. sometimes as i wake up, the first thing i notice (before i'm fully awake) is that i'm thinking about something really hard - like when you think about something so hard that the whole world vanishes. it's wierd, then as i wake up further the thoughts fade back to normal, un-intense and then i wake up fully.

    gosh - we could all be solving the problems of the world in our sleep and just not remembering it when we wake. i feel so cheated!!

  3. Re: Our Dreaming Mind

    There are a couple of techniques you can use to wake up with more recall of what you were dreaming or what you were thinking about. The first one is fairly popular and well known. Have your journal beside your bed and before you get out of bed write down the first thing and anything that comes into your head. Don't try to recall - just write and keep writing. The second one is borrowed with revisions from the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. As you fall asleep watch the screen. (The screen is the blank space you see with your eyes closed) In the book they were trying to get us to catch ourselves falling asleep. Anyway, in the morning when you wake up, do not open your eyes immediately. Pay close attention to where your mind is. You may become aware that your body is lying in the bed but you are having a mind experience of being somewhere else. A bit like remote viewing, but really remote from body being. Love, Brian
