30 June 2009

Sacred 2

rob, mulkabu and lordkilljoy went to ac/dc on sunday night. on that same night, i played 6.5 hours of sacred2. that game has the worst premise ever, but it's totally addictive. how is this? why does it take over you brain and run riot with suggestions of "just one more quest!" and "just get to the next village!" It makes no sense. The story is paper thin and the world is held together with cobwebs, yet I am totally addicted. hmmmm.

I got a magnetic aquarium glass cleaner for Nymph yesterday and cleaned away all the algae this morning. Yeay for clean glass. now i need to water-vacuum the gravel, because a lot of the algae fell off the glass onto the gravel.

Ok, that's all i wanted to say really.

1 comment:

  1. Wow has the same "one more quest" feel too. I think if you started wow I'd never see you again :)
