07 June 2012


Banana bread is cooked and cooled and it is so delicious. I think it is the best banana bread I've ever had. It's so moist and delicate. Not at all dense, like most banana breads. There are banana-y pieces and chocolaty pieces and it is oh-so-difficult to have just one slice (but at 250 calories per slice (decent slice - about an inch), that's about all I should eat). I can post the recipe if anyone's interested.

I was just out walking River (in the 36° heat) and thought to myself, "I'd be quite happy if this weather went on forever." We'll see how I feel in five months' time.
I'm still getting up at half five to walk her. I think I've discovered that going back to bed straight after the walk (and sleeping until 9ish) works best for me. Napping in the middle of the day doesn't work because, apart from River barking, I sleep very lightly and wake up every few minutes.

We went to see Men in Black 3 last night. I really enjoyed it. Will Smith is his usual funny self, and the capers and character interaction are fun and harmless.

Did I mention lordkilljoy and I are playing Diablo 3? We're almost finished, just the last act to go. It's fun. I'm playing a wizard and I don't think I'll ever get bored of shooting a massive disintegration ray out of my hands.


  1. Ok. You need to stop talking about your delicious cuisine-efforts because my stomach near devours itself every time I read about it. :/

    Also - Diablo 3. What's the deal? I've heard about little else in the gaming world lately but I've never played any of the other games or know what it's about.

  2. Diablo was the first kill-things-to-get-better-gear-so-you-can-kill-harder-things game. Diablo 3 continues on this tradition in fine form. The storyline sends you off to find someone in the demon-infested cathedral, leads you to far off deserts and to the edge of hell, and from the moment you start there are waves and waves of enemies to slaughter - which all characters do quite handily, complete with fun animations and witty one liners.
    It's mostly brainless fun - picking up loot, finding armour and weapons that are better than what you currently have.
    We're playing it mainly because it's multiplayer and we enjoy games we can play together. And it's a fun waste of time in the evenings. And it's a bit addictive. Damn blizzard and their devastating understanding of reward-based motivation.

  3. Awh, lucky you with you 36 degrees. I recon it's about 15 here and windy with the occasional down pour...

    Your bread sounds wonderful, you should post it up on the old ladies club.

    I went to see men in black 3 also, and the first 10/20 mins were awful. Once he went back in time it did get much better. Thankfully or I was actually thinking of leaving the cinema.
