30 June 2013

Arizona Heat

It hit 52°C in the car yesterday - yes, that thermometer runs a little hot, but still 52 is a ridiculous temperature for it to be. The thermometer in the house got to 47, which is what the weather people said it would be. It's 44 out there at the moment.

So we're inside playing Borderlands 2 for the weekend, because it's too hot to go outside. I'm really glad we went back to this game. Because once you get beyond level 10ish content, it actually gets really fun. For some reason I find the start of the game lacking, or maybe it was that when I played it before I couldn't help comparing it to borderlands (1) and it didn't have Mordecai and that made me sad. And what makes me really sad is that they changed Mordecai's voice actor between the two games.

Anyway. I really just wanted to post about the temperature, the borderlands stuff is filler :)

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