08 June 2008

radiohead and other highlights

right at the moment i'm listening to the ting tings - great dj and bopping around in my chair like a mad thing. i really like this song, even though i was only introduced to it over the week - it was one of those instantly liked songs.

the last words that entered my head before i started posting this were: let the education commence. the education in question: lordkilljoy's favourite comics, music, games, shows, movies and other random things. all will be assimilated: professor layton (on ds, so much fun), portal (on xbox360, quite fun if somewhat frustrating), planeraty (comic, cool ideas and characters), wwe (the rock), 2 many djs (do crazy things with samples), the ting tings (the girls and the boys and the strings and the drums), sushi (norimaki at yamamori)... yea, lots.

and while radiohead should have been the highlight of the week; really, just spending time with lordkilljoy was. radiohead were really good, though. i think paranoid android was the best song they played. they also played faust arp and videotapes (my two current favourite songs from in rainbows) and loads of others... but they were the best.
as we waited for radiohead to get their stage set up it started raining and a double rainbow stretched across the sky to the left of the stage. it was pretty cool.

i got home last night to a starving kitten (i gave her a whole bowl of food and she was still meiowing). then this morning she was still starving, but we had no food left so i had to go to the shop. but that was the lead-up forget about the kitten now, this story isn't about her. on the way up to the shop this little dog passed me. he seemed a bit wary, but i shrugged it off and thought nothing more of it. then on the way back down from the shop a woman stopped me and asked if i'd seen a little dog. i felt like saying: yea, it went west towards the town centre. but i didn't. it did really make me think of prof layton looking for dahlia's cat, though. i'm so impressionable.

so i think that's about it... i'm off to taleweavers and dave's game later. that all seems so normal - it's like: back to reality now. but not in a bad way, it's just how i feel.


  1. Dont forget Avatar and Audiosurf :)

  2. awh yea... how could i forget them, especially avatar.

  3. I'm going through a major In Rainbows phase right now. I was kind of late to the ballgame... downloaded it when it first came out but didn't really give it a solid listen until a few weeks ago and now I'm hooked. I could listen to Reckoner on repeat for hours/days/years at a time.

  4. You could have saved a womans puppy and put her our of her misery and grief. You did see the dog just not then...perhaps

  5. how was i supposed to know the dog was lost? besides, he seemed scared of me - i wouldn't have been able to catch him without a swift run, or a painful bite.
