there's something about me and waking up to an alarm for work that just don't go well together. it dosn't matter where i work, or what i'm doing; having to get up for work and then go do a day's work makes me really, really tired. and when i get tired i get depressed, so having a 9-5 job just kills my usually perky and good-natured personality. it's awful. my mood hasn't been this consistently low in over a year. i'm still mainly good most of the time, but at least twice a day i fall into a lull and get to wondering what's wrong with me and why i don't feel happy (or at least neutral). so now (because i can't think of any other reason) i'm going to put it down to exhaustion. and saying all of that, i'm going to go to bed now - because i can only summon the energy to sit here and listen to music. i had to quit playing oblivion earlier, because i couldn't focus enough to think about what you're supposed to do in the game / go out and get a new quest.
yea - 11 hours sleep, here i come!
i know i've ranted about this before, but i hate going to bed early because of some external source - aka the rules of society that say work starts early in the morning. i said before that sleeping through 11pm is bad for me, because it's the most creative part of the day for me... my body goes wild releasing endorphins, but when i'm asleep that dosn't happen, so i'm getting depressed because i'm missing out on my daily fix of natural-happy-drugs. o_O i have no idea if this is truth, but it sounds good to me. actually (after a little reading on wikipedia), i'm quite certain i just fabricated that whole paragraph. the part about 11pm being creative wasn't made up though. i sometimes get totally hyper at around 10:30 / 11ish. it can be annoying when i have work and have to go to bed. that happened last night - it was 12 before i crawled under my covers, and then i read for a bit. i'm rolling my eyes at myself. silliness!
hmm - i actually don't think i'm in the mood for a decent rant. my mood has neutralized - writing about it clearly had therapeutic values. anyway - i'm still wrecked and i'm still going to bed.
no doubt i'll update in the morning - until then.
edit at 9:04, i'm still up. i got distracted looking at my website. my 3rd year flash project is totally insane. i can't believe i came up with the idea.
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