06 August 2008

news for a slow day

i just had warm scones fresh from the oven, topped with melting butter and blackberry jam. yummy.
made a start on my alternative history. i've been trawling through wikipedia to get a better idea of what sort of works make up the genre. and then i got on to looking up technological singularity and reading about how humanity may have made itself extinct by 2045. i'll still be alive to see that. amazing! it's funny the way thoughts of the demise of humanity don't frighten me any more. i guess after watching a whole season of documentaries about extreme destructive forces, you kinda become desensitized to the whole idea.

i finished watchmen last night. it left me feeling neutral. i can see why it ended the way it did, and i respect the author for ending it that way; but really, it left me with nothing at all, not even disappointment. i felt more at the end of the pirate comic that ran inside the graphic novel than i did at the end of the actual thing.

ugh - i have absolutely no other news. the weather's been bad. i didn't go outside once yesterday. that's kinda bad.

1 comment:

  1. At least the sun is shining now and you can go outside all you want...
