i wrote 3,764 words in four hours today. That is totally a record for me. I think 4,000 is my record and that took about 10 hours or something. I think i'm getting faster :) having motivation to get done really helps. lordkilljoy is going to be home any minute and i wanted to be able to spend the evening with him. but i wanted to do that without worrying about how i didn't make my word count for the day. we're planning on going to the cinema. i'm happy, if tired. writing that much really takes it out of you. and i got 13 hours sleep last night; i needed every minute of it. i think the dark circles under my eyes are just about gone... well severely reduced anyway. but i'm at 10,000 and something small words and not even out of chapter one. i seriously have length problems. from the looks of things this novel is going to be even longer than the fall. and it's going to be even tougher to edit, because i have four paragraphs as an outline so my writing is very unstructured, i'm just adding in things as i feel like it.
i'm a little worried though. the last time i did 4,000 words was near the end of nano and i totally burned myself out. not going to happen this time. i just did it to catch up. the MGMT gig on monday threw everything out because i got no writing done. and i did nothing at all yesterday because i was totally exhausted all day. i went to bed at 9:30 last night, after almost falling asleep half on the floor and half on the couch in the sitting room. hmmm. i think i will try to go to bed early tonight too.
yea... MGMT kind of fell under the nano sweep of november. it was a really good gig. the crowd was lively (putting it nicely - they went totally insane to all the popular songs and i just had to let the crush keep me up because my balance wasn't up to keeping me steady in the rush). but it was excellent fun.
not much else new: work is the same. we put all our christmas stuff up over the week. i've come to the realization that between working in dod the last few chrsitmases and spending it in wellington in high summer (it was a manky rainy, drizzly day), christmas just dosn't mean that much to me any more. it's just another day.
k - lordkilljoy's home now. time to go.
Awh, but it's christmas. It should mean more to you this year than other years. Cos you'll get to see me again and mammy and daddy. It'll be like a family together again.