27 May 2009

one step forwards two steps back

this editing a novel malarkey is so hard. i keep on making up new bits to throw in, and the next day cut them out again as i realize they are doing nothing but clogging up the story. so i get two or three pages up and then cut back one or two pages. it means i'm getting an average of one page a day. it's a killer slow pace. i have a text file called cuts and it is slowly becoming bigger and bigger.

i had a really wierd dream last night. penelope_stone was showing me around intel (where she worked as a scientist) and i was really excited to see what this mystery place looked like on the inside. it had a very 70s vibe - lots of wood and plastic and textures and people with afros and wearing flares and old-style suits. it was packed with people, like an airport or a shopping centre, all wandering through the corridors and going up and down on the escalators and chatting and laughing and everyone seemed to be in the best mood.
the first room she showed me was a telecommunications / support helpdesk kind of place. everyone wore little telephone headsets and stood around white tables (made of plastic like a macbook) shouting into the mics of their headsets. the phones were little neon pink router-like thinks in the centre of the tables. we rushed through, because there was a lot of stamping and arm waving going on and everyone gave us mean, angry looks as we passed through.
then we went up an escalator, but before we got to the top the roof caved in, or it had caved in already and we had to try to wriggle around the debris. there were some guys there and they were telling me something (can't remember what - something about the building or my day or the damage or something).
anyway - the fabs were broken up into houses and each house was just that - a pleasant home-style building with four people working in it. penelope_stone's house was kinda medieval fashioned, with the upper floor build out over the lower. the inside was open, with comfortable furniture, but a total mess. the other three people she lived with seemed to ignore it, but it bothered her.
she quickly showed me a bit of her work - some sort of scientific research. but i was distracted by the planes that were flying over the main building, which i could see out the window (the window took up on whole wall of the house). they were so loud and i was afraid that they were going to crash into the building.

i can't really remember much else. i think there was another bit where i was talking to some people, but i don't really remember.

yea. not much else news. lordkilljoy was sick for the last few days. i hope he's feeling better soon.

24 May 2009

i think it was sunny all over the world today

it was a beautiful day today - blue skies, no clouds, a little windy, warm, summery. i wore flip-flops for the first time this summer and went out without bringing a jumper with me.

lordkilljoy had the good idea to go the the japanese gardens and national stud in kildare today, in celebration of the wonderful weather. we wandered through the gardens, went on a guided tour of the stud, saw some horses and took some pictures. i will upload them at some later stage; i'm using the mac to post and want to use my own pc to make some crops, trims and adjustments.

so, yea... we had fun. last weekend was fun too - i totally forgot to mention about it. delichan and mytholder got engaged, so we all went out to the franciscan well to wish them well and celebrate. got to see loads of people and had a great night. then saturday we went to a barbecue in kanturk. the house did not burn down and the food was yummy, so it was a big plus. and to cap off the evening we watched the eurovision. yea....

not much else news. i'm kinda stuck in psychonauts. lordkilljoy is playing wolverine at the moment.

i think that's all, really.

20 May 2009

again with the dreams

i guess it must be this time of year again. my dreams have become crazy and vivid and scattered.

last night my dream involved (possibly) the end of the world. there are just a few scenes that have come back to me - the first is:

i was in a car going past my secondary school, but the whole place had been knocked down and there were bulldozers and diggers on the rubble. loads of cars were parked along the road by the school and i wondered why they were there. someone beside me told me it was the last swimming class in the pool around the back. as i watched more cars pulled up and children got out and ran around the piles of rubble to vanish down the hill behind the school.

the second bit:
i was on a deck (of a ship? or maybe a train) and i needed help with something - something bloody (which i can't quite hold onto in my mind) but the guy i was talking to (the captain?) wanted to sell me poi. they looked like a good set and i was interested. so i took them out of the pack and unfurled them. they were massive wing poi, made of heavy cotton and too bulky to spin properly, but they did look impressive so i bought them.

the third bit:
i was with my aunt martene, in her room in her old house (only in was in the place her bathroom is) and we were having some sort of girly discussion. i'm not sure if i could move or not - it's very vague, but i have this idea that something exceptionally violent happened and there was lots of blood.
i know there is one image in my head of my arm split open and a huge gouge taken out of it and blood pouring everywhere. and my leg was the same and i could hardly walk.

and there was some other bit entirely set in a forest with an overlord and i was with a group of slaves. the complex was under attack or something and we were hiding out.

there were more bits, but they flit away when i try to focus on them. there was definitely something involving getting away from the end of the world on a train...

hmmm. oh well.

13 May 2009

a soup of words

yesterday i made soup. it took me ages, way longer than it should have. it was as if time was sucked into a wierd soup-making vortex. but anyway. the soup i made was carrot and coriander (really good - a lot like the soup you get in brackens on paul street). but the thing that gets to me is that the coriander reminds me of ginger bread for some wierd reason, so it's confusing me eating it because it smells like ginger bread, but tastes and looks and feels like soup. so i'm not sure if i'll make this one again. and the recipe said it made 4-6 servings, but i only got 2 and a bit bowls out of it. yes - my bowl holds a pint, but they should know that real soup fans have bowls this big.

i'm not getting much writing done today. but i'm happy with the new beginning of the fall. that had always been my problem, when i wrote it for nanowrimo three years ago, i spent the first few days just getting into the flow, so the first 5,000 words or so were complete rubbish. but now i have a whole new starting, which actually opens the story well - sets the tone and holds elements of the main conflict. i've also dumbed down the two main races a bit too. and gotten rid of a tonne of the religious overtones. the only thing really remaining of that is the names of the characters.

i don't really have a whole lot of news. the princess bride (on monday night) was brilliant. i smiled for the whole film. and for the last few days i've been quoting it around the place.

god, i'm really not in a writing mood at all. it's taken me 20 minutes to get this far in my post.
i'll just go now.

11 May 2009

today is exciting

yoshi ate 3 locusts yesterday. yeay, he's such a happy-eating little dragon-pou! he also ate 5 crickets along with them. oh, and he shed another bit of skin. there had been a bit on his back that hadn't come off and it's coming off now.

ok - i probably shouldn't update right now, because lordkilljoy just sent me a link to some prince of persia movie first-look stuff and i am totally excited about it. i'm going to have to make some new PoP icons. the ones i have are so old.

anyway... went to see star trek again last night. we got to go to the showing in the massive-large screen (aka screen 17) and it was fantastic. going to the princess bride tonight. i'm so excited. woo - everything is exciting. even the fact that i potted some coriander in the kitchen sink (ok - i potted it in a pot, but used the sink to catch all the soil that fell out) and and to buy a plunger because the soil blocked the sink up.

apart from that, i havn't much news. not doing any writing today, because the apartment is a big mess and needs cleaning and other such jobs - like potting the coriander (who i christened mr. coriander, after the character in the neverending story) - need doing.

nymph's eating is sporadic these days. i think i might put him down to feeding every 3 days, instead of every 2. yoshi begins to look a little starved after 2, but i think nypmh is fully grown and doesn't need as much food.

i bought a Japanese-learning thing in aldi the other day and it's really good.

and i finished ratchet and clank: quest for booty yesterday. that game was way too hard. there were some bits that took me days to pass. i hate games like that, because i love adventure games for their flow and forgiving ways. so when i get stuck because some stupid bad guy keeps knocking me off a ledge at the exact same spot (no matter what i do) it makes me really annoyed. the game was fun, just annoying.
i'm back playing psychonauts. it's a fun game. i started from the start again, so that i could get a handle on the controls, and remember the story.

09 May 2009

soup and free stuff

i had a really good day today. the sun is shining, it's fresh, a lovely day to be outside and doing things, or even inside and doing things - just doing things, really. so, we brought a bunch of stuff for recycling and then bought bunch of new stuff to replace it O_o. heh - no, it wasn't that bad. lordkilljoy convinced me to go make some soup, so we got a hand-blender thing. and then, of course, i had to get a recipe book on making soup, because i'm timid when it comes to making up food stuff.
so we went to eason to look for one, which i found, but it had no price. the girl at the counter couldn't find a price and after checking with her manager gave it to me for free - much to my surprise and delight. while still in the shopping centre, i went to get a bagel and the dude made it wrong, had to re-do it and gave me the one he'd gotten wrong for free! madness. lordkilljoy's comment was that i might end up winning a car or something. i didn't.

the rest of the day was normal enough - got ingredients for carrot and coriander soup, and locusts for yoshi. we're going to try getting him to eat them again. we're being optimistic, but he's eating really well at the moment and i think he may eat them with just a little encouragement.

ahhh - my foot has fallen asleep and now has pins and needles. euwww - it feels icky.

08 May 2009

almost a month's worth of news

lordkilljoy and i went to see star trek last night. i loved it - everything about it made me want to watch it again. it was funny, exciting, adventuresome, i liked all the characters and seeing how they all ended up together.
i want to go back and see it again this weekend; we'll see how things work out.

i finally started the rewrite of the fall. lots of things have been changed, mostly from the first half, because i was never really happy with it.

it's been almost a month since i made a proper post, gosh - that's terrible. i guess script frenzy just kept me from updating and then i was down in cork and things just got ahead of me. so this will probably be lots of short points.

in pet news, newt died. he hadn't been eating and then we went away for the weekend and he was dead when we got back. even if we'd been around, i don't think he would have survived. he just seemed to go off his food and that was that.

ooh - we got a surround sound system in the apartment. it is so cool. the sound out of it is so clear and loud and rumbly. playing games on it is fantastic. and it makes finding gargoyles in fable2 way easier.

yea, we went to see wolverine too. it wasn't nearly as good as star trek. i seemed to lack something, or the story just wasn't grand enough, or heroic enough or something. i did like gambit, though. he seemed cool.

it was lordkilljoy's birthday last week and we went for korean barbecue. the way that works is there there's a little firepot at the centre of your table and you cook the food they bring you. it was delicious. then we went for after-dinner drinks and dancing at the village. that club is way trendier than i had expected. but i still had a really good night. i got to see lordkilljoy and goblin_insane get their boogie on. it was funny to see.

so... what other news do i have? yoshi is eating voraciously these days. it's good to see. nymph isn't eating so well, but he's eating a little. i think he's turning into a nocturnal newt. he just seems to sleep until 4 or 5 in the afternoon.

i don't think i have anything else to say...