27 May 2009

one step forwards two steps back

this editing a novel malarkey is so hard. i keep on making up new bits to throw in, and the next day cut them out again as i realize they are doing nothing but clogging up the story. so i get two or three pages up and then cut back one or two pages. it means i'm getting an average of one page a day. it's a killer slow pace. i have a text file called cuts and it is slowly becoming bigger and bigger.

i had a really wierd dream last night. penelope_stone was showing me around intel (where she worked as a scientist) and i was really excited to see what this mystery place looked like on the inside. it had a very 70s vibe - lots of wood and plastic and textures and people with afros and wearing flares and old-style suits. it was packed with people, like an airport or a shopping centre, all wandering through the corridors and going up and down on the escalators and chatting and laughing and everyone seemed to be in the best mood.
the first room she showed me was a telecommunications / support helpdesk kind of place. everyone wore little telephone headsets and stood around white tables (made of plastic like a macbook) shouting into the mics of their headsets. the phones were little neon pink router-like thinks in the centre of the tables. we rushed through, because there was a lot of stamping and arm waving going on and everyone gave us mean, angry looks as we passed through.
then we went up an escalator, but before we got to the top the roof caved in, or it had caved in already and we had to try to wriggle around the debris. there were some guys there and they were telling me something (can't remember what - something about the building or my day or the damage or something).
anyway - the fabs were broken up into houses and each house was just that - a pleasant home-style building with four people working in it. penelope_stone's house was kinda medieval fashioned, with the upper floor build out over the lower. the inside was open, with comfortable furniture, but a total mess. the other three people she lived with seemed to ignore it, but it bothered her.
she quickly showed me a bit of her work - some sort of scientific research. but i was distracted by the planes that were flying over the main building, which i could see out the window (the window took up on whole wall of the house). they were so loud and i was afraid that they were going to crash into the building.

i can't really remember much else. i think there was another bit where i was talking to some people, but i don't really remember.

yea. not much else news. lordkilljoy was sick for the last few days. i hope he's feeling better soon.

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