20 October 2010


I declare it officially winter. The first frost appeared this morning. The house was at 12C (even after the heating had been on for 40 minutes) so I put the heating on for another 2 hours. It's 19.5 in here now and the sun is doing an excellent job of warming this room. It's such a pity this is the only room with a south-facing window. But at least we have that much. We could have no south-facing windows.
I brought a hot-water bottle to bed last night and had it at my feet the whole night. It was lovely.

We went over to Sheila's for dinner last night. It was good to see them all. Dinner was good, desert was good. They are all well. Laura is a mad little thing.

I can't think of anything else to say. I think I said everything yesterday (or whenever).

I replaced the ram battery in my PC. It wouldn't boot properly yesterday, so I didn't have a choice. that was ok.

right, bye.


  1. What ever happened to Autumn?

    We seem to skip straight from Summer to Winter, with the leaves just falling out one day as an afterthought.

  2. yea. that's the way summer goes too. april is freezing and miserable, may is sunny and warm. we have 2 seasons - winter and a kind of thing that resembles summer for a few weeks.

  3. That may have been true up the country but we had a great summer down here.

    April, May, June and August were all very nice. July was a wash out though.

    May seems to be the best month for Summer the last few years; whereas July has been crap.
