14 April 2011


I couldn't go outside today because of the wind. It was gusting gale force 8, and a pretty constant force 6.
... Wind Advisory remains in effect until 8 PM MDT this evening...

A Wind Advisory remains in effect until 8 PM MDT this evening.

* Location... the Santa Fe and Albuquerque Metro areas as well as
new mexicos northeast plains and the Chaves County plains
including Roswell.

* Winds... west winds will shift out of the northwest today with
sustained speeds from 25 to 35 mph and gusts from 45 to 50 mph.

* Timing... wind speeds will continue to strengthen through mid day
then remain strong through the afternoon. Speeds will weaken
below hazardous thresholds around sunset.

* Visibility... blowing dust will drop visibility well below 1 mile
at times in dust prone locations.

* Local impacts... strong Crosswinds will develop on north to south
and northeast to southwest oriented roads... including I-25.

Precautionary/preparedness actions...

Take action to secure trash cans... lawn furniture... and other
loose or light weight outdoor objects.

It's kind of rotten, not being able to go outside because of the wind... well, more because of the dust and sand the wind carries.

We went to see Cage the Elephant on Tuesday night. They were good - very lively, and they played the three of their songs I know. Yeay.

My scriptfrenzy is going well enough. I'm still behind (by slightly less than one day), but catching up. If I can manage to get the pages done this weekend, I should be good. Here's hoping my idea lasts another 50 pages. I have a battle to go, then a whole new area, then the climax and the end. And leading up to this was the start, travel, this area and a battle. Hmmm. I may have to get creative with adding in CUT TO: to try to pad it out a bit. Cheating, I know, but my script is a bit action heavy as it is. It needs a bit of breathing space.

I don't have much other news. I want to make muffins, but I have no eggs, and can't go to the shop because of the wind. Ah well.

1 comment:

  1. Thats mad, I never would have thought the wind could stop you from going outside, but now that i think about it it makes sence.

