27 June 2011

Ah, the Joys of Owning a Doggie

Dogs will scratch because of anxiety, so when we've seen River scratching over the last few days, we've just assumed she was a little anxious over everything she's been through. We know for a fact that she suffers dog separation anxiety. The cure for that is to leave her on her own in the house for increasing amounts of time each day (we are up to 20 seconds now). Anyway. Scratching.

Today lordkilljoy saw a little black thing crawling across her face and burrowing into her fur. Immediately he went down to the pet shop to get some flea and tick killer. It's kinda cool - an oil that you put against her fur in a few spots and it gets to work killing fleas straight away. It's also meant to keep mosquitoes away. So that'll be good when we go camping.

But now I have the paranoids. Every itch I feel makes me think there are fleas on me... and suddenly I have a lot more itches than I did before we saw one on her.


  1. Oh no, I'm sure your fine and I'm sure there is some human flee killer out there too if you are totally worried.

  2. Yea, probably. I should be fine, but now any itchy spots I have, I inspect for flea-ness.
