11 August 2013

Camping Trip #2

Right now I have 24 mosquito bites. Some are the painful swollen-golfball type; others are the small itchy type. They, and a bunch of photos (which need a tiny bit of levels-adjustment in photoshop - hence why they aren't part of the post), are all we brought back from our weekend camping trip. Apart from the mosquitoes, the trip was wonderful. We ate food cooked over a campfire and watched meteors streak through the Milky Way. I went swimming in a lake. River went swimming in the same lake. It didn't rain - yeay.

I'm kind of tired and can't think of what to say. I'll update again when I have the photos ready.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I commented in LJ. If you share this in Google+ I'll see it there first.
