16 June 2008

it's a long one full of news

i finally fixed the squeal that had been plaguing my bed, and contrary to usual logic, i fixed it by loosening a screw. anyway, i'm just happy not to be woken up every time i turn over, and not to be suffering paranoia every night getting into bed that i'll wake penelope_stone with all the squealing of strained metal.

i'm playing fallout at the moment, and really enjoying it. funnily - it was what reminded me to write this post. i saw it on my oft-used-programs list and felt a vague twinge to play it, and not go editing my novel. but since it was only a vague twinge i ignored it and decided to write about it here, instead. woo! at least i know when i've reached the end of the post i'll have to stop, with fallout i may not stop until this afternoon.

and that brings us nicely to my next topic: i'm getting my hair cut this afternoon. hopefully. penelope_stone tells me that hair dressers don't open on mondays. hmmmm (that was a sort of un-content sigh). ah well. i want to go into town anyway, and get a little bar for one of my piercings. i took out my vertical scaffold and replaced it with a short bar in my rook and now i want another short bar for the one on my helix. yea...

i think i had one other piece of news... i'm hoping some company will ring me today or tomorrow and invite me for an interview. i've applied to 6 places now, this is getting silly. anyone have any sympathy stories to make me feel better about the whole looking for a job thing - like "i applied to 27 companies, got one interview, which i failed." that may make me feel better - at least i'd know i'm not alone... but penelope_stone has had no luck getting a job ethier. so yea.
and while i'm fine with getting rejections from companies straight off, i hate failing interviews. me and failure don't go so well together. i need to lower my standards for myself. my new mantra should be "failing is ok" but that could get really dangerous, because i'd purposefully misinterpret it as "don't even bother trying because you are going to fail anyway." or "just put in minimal effort so that when you fail it won't come as such a shock." yea... anyway.

in happy news, we went to picnic in the park yesterday. it was fun. actually, it was relaxing - we hung out listening to this funny band do terrible covers, and we got excited about glastonbury :) we'll be flying off in a week and a day. wow!! it's going to be so cool.

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