13 February 2009

So i handed in my notice yesterday. I've never actually handed in a notice before. Mostly contracts have ended, or employers have known the day i'll be leaving for ages. But anyway. It's over now. My last day is the 22nd. Yeay.

We went to see the wrestler the other night. Darren Aronofsky makes movies that affect me so badly. Like requiem for a dream: that movie left me scarred for weeks. The fountain had me in tears from about half way though, and the wrestler made me faint. There's one bit in it were there's some kind of crazy blood-frenzy wrestling going on and they are stapling each other and sticking in thumb tacks and wrapping each other in barb wire and stuff. It was utterly gross. Even worse was when all the tacks and staples had to be pulled out again. Gross. I think the fact that i'd eaten a lot of really salty pop-corn on an empty stomach didn't help either. lordkilljoy will probably say i'm just making excuses, but it's happened to me before that i've fainted eating pop-corn. But the gory scenes were definitely a catalyst. It took me about 10 minutes to recover. My ears were buzzing and i couldn't hear anything. I missed the whole next scene because of it.

My keyboard is being a little annoying. It's starting to miss some keys. Hmmm. This just won't do at all. It's not like lordkilljoy doesn't have about 5 keyboards lying around, but i really like this one.

In lizard-y news... Yoda has stopped eating and has taken to hiding in the corner. His skin has turned very brown. I'm a little concerned. Yoshi is doing well, though. He seems to have settled in. He ate 2 mealworms this morning. yeay. I should post pics.

I was talking to penelope_stone today. Her fish laid eggs recently. That's so crazy!

You can tell i've been doing proper work recently, because there are a few capital letters scattered in among my sentences.

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