15 April 2009

A silly sort of post

I've been listening to Koyaanisqatsi by Philip Glass a lot recently. I got it off davidnarby when I was down last weekend. I kinda like Glass anyway; liked what I've heard of him before - Passages with Ravi Shankar and a few random mixes. And now I've just noticed that Koyaanisqatsi is from 1982, and so am I. I have this funny thing that there's a connection between me and lots of things from that year. Because I like lots of things from that year.

lordkilljoy's gone off to Raw for the evening and I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do with myself. Generally I spend my days doing stuff and looking forward to when he comes home, but now he's been and gone and I don't quite know what to do in this situation. I guess it doesn't help that I'm feeling just the slightest bit apathetic at the moment. I have 10 pages of script that I need to get written, but I woosed out after 3 pages today. And the exciting climactic end to act 1 just finished and the start of act 2 is less than dramatic. Sometimes I wonder how I'm not completely emo. My writing is so angst-filled and immature.
I'm rolling my eyes at myself.

I also don't know what to get for dinner. I'm feeling lazy and uninspired. And we have nothing that you can just pour boiling water over or quickly heat up in a pan. And it's way too miserable to even think of going to the shop for something. Actually - I think it's stopped raining, but still.

I have a cat at the top of my Firefox. Hee, that sentence seems wierd when you take it out of internet context. Anyway - it's all thanks to Personas for Firefox from Mozilla labs.

I think I'll do a stir-fry for dinner.

Right, since I've decided at least that much, I'll go now.

p.s. I've been waiting for a good occasion to use this usericon for ages. I'm not confused, but I'm at a loss, so it's adequate.

ooh - gosh - how could I forget. I'm going to see The Princess Bride in the cinema on the 11th of May. It's going to be the coolest thing ever. I've been 100% in love with this film my whole life. I know the whole thing off my heart I've seen it so many times. It's going to be fantastic.

p.p.s i don't think i've ever used this mood before.


  1. Ooohh...what cinema is it showing at? :)

  2. cineworld on parnell st.

    info is at http://www.cineworld.ie/cinemas/75?film=2591

  3. Hi, see i'm actually checking my lj...

    That's really cool about the princess bride.Firefox personas are cool, thanks for telling me about them. I'm so totally out of touch with the computer world. Ah well that what happens when you live in the middle of the country.
