14 September 2011

A Hat

So this is the hat I made yesterday. It took 3 hours (with a break to walk River). I have no idea if that is good going or slow progress - any input from knitters (mammy?)? How long would it take you to knit a hat like this?

Anyway, I'm pretty proud of it. Now I'm going to make lordkilljoy a hat like Jayne's from Firefly :)


  1. That is really cool. What did you use to make it? I didn't think you were the knitting type...

    What are the three things hanging up beside you?

    Mad, that is a really cool hat, you'll have to try mixing up a few colours and see how that works out.

  2. Them's ma looms :)

    Did you read the post before this one?

  3. Fruit of the Loom

    Excellent knitting! Mary says that she'd be able to knit that hat in about the same time, and she thinks that it's just gorgeous.
