i'm doing something i've never done before: i finished the "luck in the shadows" series and went back and am re-reading the first book. i totally fell in love with seregil (the main character), and today i just realized that he's awfully like garrett from the thief series of games.
yea - reading these books has made me start thinking about my zarkia story again. i figure that i can't call my main character zarkia anymore, because i've splattered her name all over the net and anyone who reads my books and then googles her name will hit this journal and my email addresses and stuff - that could be a bad thing. but i can't think of a better name for her. i was thinking tarlia, but that's a name of a person on livejournal who i respect, so i wouldn't steal her name.
i've been thinking about "the fall" recently too - fixing azrynn's character and her and zachery's friendship. and i've developed a mad theology too. making up gods is really fun. azrynn's curse of choice is "by the traveller," heh heh! and then there's all kinds of fun like "holey bag end" (notice the pun) and "may dust choke your journey" and a pleasant farewell "may your steps pass lightly" and stuff.
so this post got nicely off the point of garrett and seregil, but if you haven't read the books or played the game you won't really get what i'm saying; and if you have you don't need me to go on. so yea.
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