09 October 2007


the dude came to inspect our house today. it was fine - he said it was clean, yeay. we got a moving-out check list too. one of the things we have to do is get the carpets professionally cleaned (and we have to have a receipt to prove it). that's annoying, cause it's probably going to cost a fortune.

i'm really glad i write in the morning. i was managing to freak myself out today with my story. because the way i write, is to immerse myself in the feelings i'm trying to write about and then i describe how i feel, so in order to capture even a little of the scariness, i have to make myself scared. and it's amazingly easy, even with the sun streaming through the air outside. but it's stil fun. i just hope i manage to capture even a little of my fear to make my story good.

not a whole tonne else. work's been so busy, calls all day as well as envelope stuffing and labeling to do and emails and trying to procrastinate ringing back a person you know is going to bite your head off. (well - i rang that guy back, he wasn't so bad.)



  1. Dr Edward Bach - Flower Remedies Gaia

    You're probably wondering what the title of this comment has to do with you post. Bach had the ability to get so caught up in an emotion that he would get the physical symptoms. So when he was looking for a Flower Remedy for a particular emotion he would make himself sick with that emotion and then go walk in the fields and woods until he found the flower or tree that made him feel well.

    So you immersing yourself in your feelings sounds similar to Bach. Anyway, I'm sure you'll have no problem getting the feeling into the story. And I'm sure there is a literary technique, like very short sentences with gaps. The reader doesn't notice that their breathing pattern is being influenced by their reading. And the author is controlling their reading.

  2. Moving Out Moving On

    Getting the carpets professionally cleaned sounds like a pain. But you know what to do! Shop around for a good price, talk to the people at work, talk to the people who clean your offices at work, maybe they'll give you a good deal.

    So, when are you moving out.

  3. I'm glad he said our house was clean, we put enough of an effort in making it that way.

    Oh the whole list is annoying, it treats people as if they are idiots, not responsible people who will leave things as they find them.

    But i guess that is the problem, not everyone will clean up after themselves. It's such a pain that a small few should ruin the fun for everyone...

  4. Re: Dr Edward Bach - Flower Remedies Gaia

    "The reader doesn't notice that their breathing pattern is being influenced by their reading. And the author is controlling their reading."

    wow - that's cool. i hadn't actually been aware of that.

  5. Re: Moving Out Moving On

    we're moving out on the 13th november. we'll be no fixed abode from then until sometime around christmas. we may even spend christmas in a tent on a beach somewhere. that would be kinda cool.

  6. yea, i guess the majority must be idiots. i guess not many people take good care of a rental property.
