22 September 2008

plants and pots

lordkilljoy and i went shopping for plants today :) that was fun. i'd kinda said having a fern could be fun - i sorta meant it, much the way i sorta mean a lot of things... anyway (lordkilljoy tells me i should use capitals - i tell him i'm lazy). he took me up on it and we went out to a large garden centre in celbridge, where we bought a middle-sized bamboo, an indoor bonzai, some herbs and some pots to put them in. i'm happy. we have plants to look after. i hope they survive. i have never managed to keep plants alive before - my room was always too dark. the apartment faces north, so gets no direct sunlight, but i hope it gets enough for the plants' needs.

not much else. we watched deathnote 9the live action). i really enjoyed it. but it just ended. i want to see how everything gets resolved between light and L. it's interesting. it had a really good character dynamic going on. the only thing that annoyed me were the dodgy graphics for ryuk. but i got used to it after a bit.

i must go for a walk around the village tomorrow. see what there is to see, hopefully find someplace that does hair cuts that arn't depressingly expensive. yea...

dewa mata!! (ooh, japanese books havn't arrived yet. i can't wait 'til they do)

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed, you got plants. WooOoo...
    Sounds like your settling in well so far, good to hear.
