12 September 2008

random points of life

"Last updated 3 days ago." ooh - how did that happen? i'd like to say it was because i was just so busy doing world-building, but that would be a lie. i'm using liquid story binder (which tracks the amount of time you spend with it's window open) and i write for only half the time i spend in front of my computer. on some day last week i had my computer on (supposedly writing) from 12pm to 9pm and i only had story binder open for 4.5 hours. that's really bad :/ i should try harder to motivate myself.

i do have an excuse for today, though. it was the first day of the mind, body, spirit festival and i spent the whole day in the city hall randomly wandering around the stalls. it was fun. it's good to just wander and look at shiny crystals and flick through hippy books and hang around my parent's stall.

i got started on my genrechallenge for this month. i'd like to get it written kinda fast, so that i can spend longer on editing. i did no (or minimal) editing for last month's one.

my cd drive decided to work for me last night and i stayed up until 1am playing oblivion. it was so much fun. my non-fighting / merchant character now owns the manor in skingrad. it's such a pretty place to live :)

ooh - i saw a church hall for sale in the news paper the other day. if i had quarter of a million i would totally buy it. it's always been my dream to live in a converted castle or church. that would rock like total coolness.

i have a telelphone interview on wednesday. i should care more about it, but i just don't. i've lost all confidence in society.

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