30 June 2009

Sacred 2

rob, mulkabu and lordkilljoy went to ac/dc on sunday night. on that same night, i played 6.5 hours of sacred2. that game has the worst premise ever, but it's totally addictive. how is this? why does it take over you brain and run riot with suggestions of "just one more quest!" and "just get to the next village!" It makes no sense. The story is paper thin and the world is held together with cobwebs, yet I am totally addicted. hmmmm.

I got a magnetic aquarium glass cleaner for Nymph yesterday and cleaned away all the algae this morning. Yeay for clean glass. now i need to water-vacuum the gravel, because a lot of the algae fell off the glass onto the gravel.

Ok, that's all i wanted to say really.

25 June 2009

lighthouses and sandy shores

i left the house yesterday with the intention of getting sand everywhere and that's exactly what i did :)
well, maybe it didn't go everywhere, but i did my best to get it all over the blanket and in my bag, stuck to my skin (sun cream is sticky and sand sticks to it) and in the fold ups on my jeans. and how did i carry out my plan? i went to howth for the afternoon.
it's a nice enough place, touristy, and reminded me a lot of kinsale. i walked along the harbour, out to the lighthouse and back, then out the other side of the village looking for a way down onto the beach. it's like secret beach entrance... took me ages to find it.
the beach itself was kind of disappointing. small, no waves, too many cigarette butts... but it was warm and the sand was soft and the blue sky was perfect. i ate lunch, dibbled my feet in the sea (it was freezing), read a bit of a comic and then went home. i need to find a better beach, i think.

i don't really have a whole lot of other news. nymph's tank has an algae infestation. this is good because it means the water quality is high, but bad because the tank is going green.

i finished drakes fortune the other day (monday, i think). i enjoyed it. kinda wanted to play more after i had finished it. i'm almost to the end of assassin's creed as well. might finish that tonight if lordkilljoy doesn't have any plans.

right, going to go now.

22 June 2009

news news

new art up on dA

Colour CyberByMutantmushroom by ~zarkia on deviantART

happy summer solstice. today is roasting - it's as if we've offically hit summer, the air has been heated by the sun heading up to this point and now we get to bask in the heat. yea... except that it's a very muggy kind of heat. a thunderstorm would be fun right about now. don't think the clouds are ominous enough, though.

i don't really have a lot of news. went in around the world street performance on saturday - just for a bit. and made sushi on saturday night. that turned out well. hmmm, i might have sushi for lunch. yummy.

i'm playing drakes fortune at the moment - well i started it on friday and am almost finished. it's kinda fun, but there are too many gun fights for my liking. (i have drastically improved at aiming with a console controller since last summer, though.) but i was at a bit last night where it was really dark and all i could see was a little flashlight ring segment of the screen and there were baddies and i was so scared. i even screamed a little at one bit. hhaaaaaaa, games shouldn't be allowed to have dark segments. i get so frightened. i could never play a game like dead space or alone in the dark (if that's the one where you can only see the bad guys through your camera) that just seems like the most frightening thing ever.

yea... not much else to say.

16 June 2009

speed speed speed

today, i hit 40km/h on my bike. it was cool :) that's almost the speed limit - i'll bet with a good wind behind me i could totally make 50. i had a good cycle today, though maybe i pushed myself a bit hard. i was pretty wrecked when i got home - all buzzy eared. i don't think this is such a good thing, but i recovered quickly. so according to my bike computer today, i did 7.4kms in 24 minutes at an average of 19km/h. my normal average is about 17 (or 14 if i'm just cycling to the village).

anyway - the 40km/h thing - i was going down the only hill in my journey (actually there is another hill, but it's the downslope of a bridge and isn't long enough for me to get up much speed and the road slopes up again straight after), it's like this pathetic hill, though... more of a slope, really. i mean, gravity was helping, but only a little.

in other news, i had a good weekend in cork. the street performance festival was good fun and the weather held up for it. it's on in dublin this weekend, and i might go along again. there were a few acts that i didn't get to see in cork that seemed good.

the bamboo out on the balcony has two new shoots coming up... at least i hope it is bamboo shoots, it could be some sort of random weed, because it is outside, but these stalks look serious, not like weeds which are weedy (which is why we call weedy things weedy). yea...

we watched speed racer last night. i really quite enjoyed it. just so long as you didn't question anything it was a fun movie, i liked the effects and the colours and the characters.
ooh - over the weekend i watched a film called push. i'd been iffy about it, not having heard anything about it, but i enjoyed it too. i liked the setting and the character powers. i'd classify it as an urban sci-fi - sorta gritty camerawork mixed with elements that you won't find in a normal action flick, but which arn't like aliens and spaceships and stuff. or maybe urban fantasy would be more like it... because there was really nothing to make it science-y, but a bit to make it fantasy-ish.

yea, i think that's all. got to get back to writing now.

10 June 2009

there is a slim chance that getting online twice a day might help with Lj posting

I did a 10k cycle today. well, my bikecomputer tells me i did 11k, google maps tells me i did 11.6. either way, that's not too bad. it was a lovely cycle too - took 35 minutes. if i could just do that every morning, i think i would solve all my angst problems. because i have loads of energy today... or it could just be hormones.

i made an interesting lunch today. couscous with tuna, but the couscous was taking all the flavour out of the tuna (i think that's all couscous does - remove flavour) so i added some hot sauce and it was yummy. hot sauce (the stuff that goes on chicken wings) goes really well with fish.

i don't really have much else to say. there's a street performer's competition on in cork this weekend, so i think i'll head down for that.

ooh - in all the fun with london, i totally forgot to say that i'm going to muse in november. kinda excited about that. i saw them at glastonbury 05 and they were brilliant.

ok, back to writing now.

09 June 2009


i went a little mental yesterday and decided that the big bonsai (which should be called daibonsai) needed to be cut back, only i think i went a little extravagant with it. all i can say is yeay for the way things grow back, not like when you cut your teddies' hair when you were smaller.

i also cut back the mini shrubs we have growing in the kitchen - i considered going bonsai on one of them, but i resisted.

i don't have a whole lot of other news... bought some ice tea in lidl today - it's yummy.

right so, bye.


For most of my life that I can remember, I've wanted to go to London, because it's the closest famous city to me and you'd think it wouldn't take that much to go visit it. But there was never anyone who wanted to go with me and I wasn't going to go on my own.
So I finally got to go to London. lordkilljoy and I went over to see Gordon and Niamh for the weekend. We saw loads: Tate Modern, the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace (which should be called the horse parade), Camden, the Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral and random bits of the city walking to and from tube stations. I loved all of it. I'm definitely going back some day, maybe when I have more money. There were some amazing things in Camden, but I curtailed myself to two tops.
It has great hanging out with Niamh and Gordon. We had some great meals and went out on Saturday with friends of theirs: good fun even though I was wrecked.
And on the flight back I spotted the apartment - that was mad.

In other news:
Nymph ate half a cricket today. He hasn't really been eating well since Newt died, and it had been a while since he'd eaten a decent amount. So I was delighted when he gobbled down the bit of cricket that I had chopped up for him. See, my problem is that I have no idea how big or small his stomach is and how much he's meant to eat.

In a strange sort of contrast, Yoshi refused to eat anything today. That's a first in a long time. But I'm not worried about him. He ate a pinky (new born mouse) on Friday and I imagine that he just wasn't hungry.

Our internet is down at the moment... so I'm writing this on monday, but not really sure when I'll get to post it.