22 June 2009

news news

new art up on dA

Colour CyberByMutantmushroom by ~zarkia on deviantART

happy summer solstice. today is roasting - it's as if we've offically hit summer, the air has been heated by the sun heading up to this point and now we get to bask in the heat. yea... except that it's a very muggy kind of heat. a thunderstorm would be fun right about now. don't think the clouds are ominous enough, though.

i don't really have a lot of news. went in around the world street performance on saturday - just for a bit. and made sushi on saturday night. that turned out well. hmmm, i might have sushi for lunch. yummy.

i'm playing drakes fortune at the moment - well i started it on friday and am almost finished. it's kinda fun, but there are too many gun fights for my liking. (i have drastically improved at aiming with a console controller since last summer, though.) but i was at a bit last night where it was really dark and all i could see was a little flashlight ring segment of the screen and there were baddies and i was so scared. i even screamed a little at one bit. hhaaaaaaa, games shouldn't be allowed to have dark segments. i get so frightened. i could never play a game like dead space or alone in the dark (if that's the one where you can only see the bad guys through your camera) that just seems like the most frightening thing ever.

yea... not much else to say.

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