i went a little mental yesterday and decided that the big bonsai (which should be called daibonsai) needed to be cut back, only i think i went a little extravagant with it. all i can say is yeay for the way things grow back, not like when you cut your teddies' hair when you were smaller.

i also cut back the mini shrubs we have growing in the kitchen - i considered going bonsai on one of them, but i resisted.
i don't have a whole lot of other news... bought some ice tea in lidl today - it's yummy.
right so, bye.
You need to be careful to remember to trim the roots too when you prune them that much - there needs to be enough leaves to support the root system. However, you should wait till Winter to prune roots (not growing season). Ideally, you wait till winter to prune the leaves too, but I don't think it matters as much.