I went out for my cycle today and it was cold, the kind of cold that gets into my lungs and stays there for a few hours. i had to cut my cycle short because of it. even after a nice warm shower my lungs are still hurting from the cold.
my shower was lovely, though. i got a butter cream from lush (lemslip) and it's beautiful. it smells yummy and my skin is so soft now.
well, except that when i rub my skin there's bits of cuts scraping along it. yoshi-sandwich scraped up my hands yesterday - i was going to post up a pic, but i couldn't make it look impressive enough in photoshop. ah well.
i think that's all my news. i've had this silly quote from robin hood men in tights going through my head this morning: "no noose is good noose," said by the executioner. (you may have to say it out loud to get it).
right - bye.
edit - i got the picture looking moderately painful :)
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