06 August 2009

welcome back to the internet

ah golly - i hadn't checked my friends page in so long that i can't go back far enough to read them all. our new router arrived (wired only) yesterday, i got it all set up with our new wireless n router today (too 3 hours - why are these things so complicated?). but it's great - we have internet again and can watch diggnation and totally rad show. wooo.

i spent the last few days in kerry with penelope_stone. i am offically fit. i made it up the worst part of the hydro road (~300m 45degree slope) without stopping. i was kinda happy with that. we wandered around the 2 lakes, had fun bog jumping and getting blown over by the wind.

so i'm a bit distracted, i'll update later.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Glad to hear you have the internet back up. It seem i've been updating here more often than you lately which is a little unusual. It'll be nice to be reading your posts again.
