and then i spent the rest of the day making the 'jig.' That involved a trip to barrett's to buy gorilla glue. i was very surprised they had it. and now i'm thinking of going back to get wingnuts and carriage bolts. and possibly a bit of wood for the clamping bar. i couldn't be bothered sawing out two lengths. sawing with a pen-knife-tool thing is really hard.
yea... it's possibly a bit premature, considering i've not finished draft 3.1 yet, but i hope to have copies to the people of taleweavers on the weekend. it's no big deal if i don't get it done by this weekend, though. i'll be around the next weekend as well.
and because this is a day of procrastination: here are some photos i've taken of stuff over the last few weeks.
i made banana bread in the slow cooker (aka crockpot). it turned out yummy.
the book binding devise. half finished. i couldn't wait to paint it - perhaps i should have waited. anyway.
my tomato is taller than me.
the pepper a few weeks ago.
this is not zoomed in - this is them grown.
tomato flower.