20 August 2010

posting drought

i really have to start updating my livejournal more. i suppose i don't because most of my days are the same: get up, write, play games, read, sleep. i don't update when i'm writing because i'm writing, and too caught up in it to do much else. i turn my computer off in the evenings, so that's why i don't update then.

excuses, excuses.

i think my main problem is that posts about what i'm doing seem so self-centered, and boring.
like: i went for a cycle on saturday, which was brilliant, even if i am a little unfit (i got over that after about 10 minutes, though - went about 12km).
does anyone really want to read about this stuff?

it's kind of funny, because i update my site every week without fail - i have an alarm set to remind me. maybe it's because those posts are so informative and inspired. i just find writing here so... mundane.

i suppose i just have to wait for something interesting to happen.

1 comment:

  1. posting drought

    I find reading about your cycles fun and interesting. Even if it is just the mundane your posting about it still nice to hear about it. Perhaps that's just me though...
