22 August 2010


Barry's game was on yesterday. It was a lot of fun (I can't type a lot any more without thinking of the alot: cute monster who has many variations). We played with a group of lads in America over Skype - the group Barry used play with. It worked out surprisingly well. It was a little hard to hear them at times, but the game went smoothly (enough). The issues we had were character issues, not gameplay issues. Don't put a magic hating barbarian in a group with seven caster-types. We had to violently subdue the barbarian. Even going so far as to kill him and raise him again. Hmmm, that could make an interesting form of torture.
We were playing 2nd ed. I absolutely do not know that system at all. I automatically went to roll initiative with a d20 and got laughed at. Oh well.

I don't have much other news. There was a giraffe in my dream last night. I don't think I've ever dreamed of a giraffe before. So odd.


  1. D&D

    I had just written this lovely comment and then my phone went all black and closed down my web browser. Haaa... ah well. Oh now it's not letting me go back and edit.

    Your dream sounded funny...

    It really nice to come online and see that you've posted, thanks. :)

  2. D & D

    Man, I wish I could just do some D&Ding. Been like 14 years or so since I last did. Always was fun times.

  3. Re: D & D

    Yea. Nothing quite like taking down a horde of orcs, looting castles, creating great sagas of your character's adventures.
