13 December 2011


Ooh god, it's miserable again today. Half one in the afternoon and I need a light on to see my keyboard. Dinner last night was a success, even though the egg went a bit weird. I made Wagamama's Chicken Tama Rice. It was so delicious - lordkilljoy ate all of his, then finished off my rice. So it was yummy out, but it looked weird. You're meant to add a beaten egg to the sauce right at the end (the sauce is clear up to this point) and when I threw in the egg it went all thick and opaque. Anyway - tonight is poached tilapia with Spanish rice. It should be yummy too. I hope lordkilljoy doesn't mind rice two nights in a row. It's my favourite staple - I could eat rice for dinner every day (though I do get a tiny bit bored of it after 2 months, as I found out in Asia).

Tomorrow is possible break from cooking night (because we are going to the cinema with a bunch of people, and not at all sure what's happening about dinner). Thursday will be healthy night and Friday is crockpot night. It's so exciting. I figure Saturday will be going out night and Sunday might be roast, depending on how much energy I have / how much of a mess I feel like cleaning up. Though the mini chicken (technically cornish hen) we had thanksgiving was yummy.

I don't have much else news, I think. I really need a new food icon.


  1. I didn't mind rice for the 2nd night!

  2. Glad you're settling in! The weather really IS mad here at the moment. As I'm sure you know it rarely rains so it's a bit of a novelty. Make the most of it! How is River doing?

  3. River's settling in well. Still a bit jumpy (barky?) at random noises, but she's getting better. I heard Milo was in some cute dog competition. Best of luck with that :)

  4. Wow, i'm totally impressed with all your cooking. Will you transport yourself over here and do my cooking too.

    Oh do you have a big fancy cinema in Phoenix? Is River settling in so well you can leave her by herself for a while, that's great.

  5. Heh - I would if I could :)

    The cinema here is good. About the same as Cineworld in Dublin. But we haven't been to the biggest screen, so I have no idea what it is like.

    And yea, it's really good we can leave her. I did catch her barking one day when I was coming home from the shop, so I snuck up, rushed in and told her no. I think she kind of got the idea.

  6. Cool, I can just imagine you sneaking up on her... :D
