09 December 2011


River and I went out for a cycle this morning. It was fun, but she doesn't pull her weight, so it's like going uphill the whole way. I was somewhat tired after 15 minutes. It took me ages to get my bike ready this morning, though. The mover guys had turned the handlebars sideways and it was a little hard to get them back right again (especially because I had the wheel backwards the first time and had to do it again).

River's barking has gotten really out of control since we moved. A lot of trucks and cars go by on the road outside (it's the main way into the estate - thank god we aren't facing the main road) and she barks at every one. She barks at dogs walking outside the window and dogs barking in other apartments. She's even taken to barking for attention. It had to stop. So yesterday I resorted to negative reinforcement. And it's working really well. Every time she barks I say no and tap her on the nose. Not only does she stop barking right away, but the amount of barking has lessened in the one day I've been trying it. So I' happy for that, but sad that it had to come to this. I tried all the positive reinforcement (treats for being quiet, etc) I could think of, but that just seemed to make her worse. I also don't think she's getting enough sleep. She's not relaxing at all. She's been getting about 8 hours sleep in the night time and not napping during the day as she usually does. I was making dinner this morning (stew) and her head was nodding as she sat beside me. The poor thing is wrecked. So I think the sleep deprivation is making her anxious too.

I don't have much else news. We ordered my dress last night. There's no way we could afford one in a shop so I ordered it online from a company in China who tailor the dress to your measurements. I'm really excited about it, but I really hope the company isn't bogus and that the dress makes it here. Well, it has until the end of January to arrive, so we'll see then.

I think that's all my news. Did I mention I got a new keyboard? It's a microsoft Arc and I really like it. It's small and fits my hands perfectly. The only problem is that I keep hitting enter instead of apostrophe. That will take a little getting used to, but I will eventually.

Right. I have to finish tidying away the last of our stuff. The things left are the things I haven't a clue where to put (that sentence was badly worded, but you get the idea surely). Here goes... I might have a little biscuit before I start for motivation. Oooh - actually. I saw these dog biscuits in Costco and they look delicious. The ingredients are like oats, honey eggs, and other stuff that I'd actually use to bake biscuits. But I couldn't just bring myself to eat something that was labelled for dogs. That would be a step over the line from being eccentric to being downright weird. So we didn't buy them. Even though, clearly, I'm still thinking about them :(

Anyway. later.


  1. We ordered my suit from a similar company, and it all turned out fine.

  2. Ha - I just clicked in here to say the same, and I see Gar beat me to it!

    We're still struggling with Salome and barking at people. Putting her harness (and or lead) on seems to calm her down - have you tried this?

  3. We haven't tried that. Might give it a go.
