12 November 2006

more on writing: worries this time

woo - cork nanowrimo meet-up today. i hope that goes well. i'm very curious, i've never been to a meet-up before.
i struggled all day yesterday with my novel. i've come to the conclusion that i don't know Demina well enough (she's Zachery's second and the closest thing to a antagonist). Scenes with her in them just drag by and i get totally disillusioned. That and more plot holes have been rearing their heads. It is quite a problem having a cast full of super-powerful characters. i have to keep thinking up limitations for them + these limitations start to smell quite bad of plot holes after a while.
i did a sprint last night (that's where you try to write as much as you can in 15 mins - people usually get 400 - 600 words). i got 170 or something. it was nothing, but it did work - it forced my brain to get off the couch and actually think up how the magic was going to work. this is another problem i have: i am detailing how every spell works - how its cast, what the caster has to do, its effect after its cast. it is real brain-drudging stuff. but its fun when its done. and then i ask myself - what is the point of writing in all this magic. and i answer: detailed atmosphere. hmmmm!
i have also realized that my novel has no real focus or bad guy. its just stuff happening and then repercussions from that stuff. but that's ok - it is a story about zachery, not about zachery seeking such and such in order to stop a great evil or whatever.
so yea: i figure i'm boring everyone with these writing posts, but they arn't going to stop until the novel is finished. so - hah!

oh - yes. i had a slight depression this morning and was seriously considering giving up on driving. i see askea being so enthusastic about it, but to me learning to drive is a horrible chore that i have to force myself to do. i'm having driving nightmares and it keeps me awake and stuff. i'm really not having fun.


  1. Oh dear.

    How did your meet go?

    About driving, everytime i'm ready to go out my heart starts pounding and i get really scared and seriously don't want to do it. But it has to be done, and once we get comfortable in the car we'll be fine, hopefully.

    I also think you've done way more scary driving that i have, you drove to douglas, i just drive the same short road in to work.

    Although i did drive to Garretstown, that was fun, you should try it. It's really nice to just drive and not have to worry about too much traffic.

  2. the meet was good. i knew one girl from warps, claire.

    as for driving - i'm nearly in tears because of fretting over it. its really bothering me: i have horrible dreams every night.

  3. It's ok. Don't worry. If you really don't want to drive you don't have to. Calm down. I'm quite enjoying it and don't mind if i'm the only one who has a licenence. Traveling may take a little longer but we'll manage.

    The weekend after next you and me can go driving together with daddy, somewhere far. It's much nicer.

    Stop fretting and certainely don't start crying, we'll work something out if it scares you that much. Perhaps me in the car someday would help you? I guess it's been a while since we both went driving together.

  4. i spoke to mammy and daddy about it + then ended driving to blarney and beyond onto the mallow road. it wasn't so bad, really.
