17 April 2007

almost gone

i think my luck for this month has been really bad. usually, i'm such a lucky person, everything works out perfectly, but recently things have been going a bit squewy. my application for a credit card got refused, my stomach has been paining me, and today, top of the bill, i failed my driving test. i just hope everything sorts itself out before friday. i'd hate to think my bags will get stolen, the hostel will have no record of our booking and we'll be kidnapped and ransomed in delhi, all because my natural luck has run out.
not that i think it has - it just likes to stay balanced. usually everything is good but when it turns, everything crashes. ah well.

i'm trying to pack - it's dull. i still have to finish my novel. i don't think that is going to happen at this stage. i could do it tomorrow, i guess. maybe.

only 2 days left at home. god, that's a little scary. then out into the big world, with no anchor back to what i know as real; everything different and new and scary. really scary. but fun. an adventure. wooo! something to really write about at last. no more inane blather about work, or college, or random page-filler that no one really wants to know about. fluf that is forgotten as soon as read. no. this will be decent. :roll eyes: yea right!

anyway. it's a little dark in here, so i will go.


  1. Don't worry I'll check on eBay every day to see if you are being sold on it. ;)

    Too bad about the driving test, but I think you knew yourself that it was a litle rushed. Do you know where you failed it? Did your travel partner pass her test?

  2. yea, askea passed. so not all is lost. she can drive us around new zealand.

    i failed on a load of things, not limited to reaction to hazards and observation. i can't even remember. gears was one, cause i couldn't get the gear to go into place. i remembered what you said about punto gear boxes and have resolved never to get one again.

    i wonder what would happen if you bought me? you'd probably be put in jail for slavery or something. then you could reform become an abolitionist, sewing peace and love amongst humankind! heh heh!

  3. I wonder what exactly consititues slavery? Is it just the fact that I 'own' you? But then do I have any title deeds for you. Do I have to get you working for no pay? Well I'll pay 1c a year and that negates that definition ...

    I thinks too much about these things.

    Oh and I hope I didn't put you off about teh Punto Gear box. as much trouble as I had with mine I still love the car as its a very nice ride compared to some other cars. There is alway something about cars. I drove a Focus home the otehr day for some one and they are reputed to be very reliable but I found the car to be very uncomfortable but then it wasn't mine so wasn't conformed to my dimensions and I didn't want to change it.

  4. nah - it wasn't you who put me off. occasionally the gears get "stuck" and that happened during my test, is all. and i don't think it's me not having the clutch right, because it happens erratically. ah well.

    i get to navigate around NZ, which is what i prefer doing anyway.

  5. Yeah a girl Navigator...stop hitting me!

    They were just talking about this the other day. That it is funny how, usually its the guy driving and the girl with the map. When in typicality, men are better map readers and women are safer drivers; they are also more likely to ask for directions in the less likely event of them getting lost.

  6. Good luck, have fun, and don't inhale deeply in Rotorua.
