28 August 2012

Dress part 4

I didn't update over the weekend. Not for lack of progress, but because Guild Wars 2 came out and when I finished sewing for the day (which was early, I'll admit) I went playing. Over the weekend I got the princess seams and the pleats done. Today I put the whole thing together and tried it on. It's too big. I knew it would be, because with about 2 seams to go, I realised I'd been sewing the wrong seam allowance. I'd been sewing 13mm, when I was supposed to be sewing 16mm. Sigh. Anyway. I'm just going to sew 3mm inside all the seams around my torso (no need to do all the way down - the skirt is wide enough not to notice). So It's looking kinda cool - even for a mock-up. The skirt is massive. I think I'll need about 3 petticoats to pull it off. I have one and the material to make a second, but don't know where the third will come from. Ah well. That's a worry for another day.

Guild Wars 2 is amazing. It's the best designed game I've ever played (or at least MMO). I actually prefer playing with lordkilljoy than on my own. The game is really set up for doing things together. And there is so much to see and do, and all the cities are beautiful, and the storyline is fun, and I just want to play all the time. One of my favourite things is the dye system. You can change the colour of your clothes as often as you want, so when I get bored of one colour, I simply change it to another. But what I really love is that they make it so accessible. In GW1, you had to buy / trade or find dies and you could only use them once. So to make your whole outfit red, you had to get 6 (or whatever number) red dies. And If you wanted to go blue then you had to get 6 more dies. It was really limiting. Whereas in GW2 when you find / buy / trade a die it gets added to your collection and you can use it as much as you like. It's a small feature, but the game is full of helpful little elements like this that make it a pleasure to play.

Yea. I don't have much other news.

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