17 May 2013

Into Darkness

We went to see Star Trek into Darkness last night. A kind of spur of the moment thing; Liam had this idea that it was out on Thursday (even thought the posters said Friday), checked the cinema website, and sure enough it was on.

Go see this movie!

If you enjoyed the last Star Trek movie at all, you will love this. Everything about it is perfect. But I think my most favourite aspect was the characters, and specifically the antagonist. Talk about amazing character development. Here is a bad guy you respect, who you care for. He's not simply a man out for destruction - he has a worthy goal. It just happens to clash with Kirk's worthy goal.

I'm playing scenes out in my head just thinking about it, and Abrams really did a masterful job with this. Everything ties in to everything else so well.

I really hope he does another one.


  1. This is a really cool layout you've got for your blog.

  2. Thanks :) It's one of blogger's default ones, but I changed the picture.
