woah, madness. i just applied for a job with google. my heart is kinda pounding right now... i'm such a scardy-cat. you'd think a year around the world would have cured me, but no. anyway, the job is administrative assistant, doing fun and scary sounding things like dealing with high-up execs and organizing projects and things. i think i'm insane, but i always wanted to work for google, so there you go.
in other news: not really much. i moped about yesterday for a lot and then got to reading old livejournal posts. i came across one amazingly motivational one (which actually was the reason i applied for google today). and just cause it helped me so much, i think i should put a link to it here: a motivational post.
i can't actually believe i wrote that... it seems quite profound. moments of profundity have been sparse in recent years - i guess because i've been happy with my life and with writing and travelling around the world and stuff. but seriously, that post put me in the best mood. and it's the start of summer, a lovely day, and i have someone who makes me incredibly happy :)
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