26 May 2008

planescape sundays

yeay, writing procrastination / break time.

yesterday at dave's game none of us had really eaten dinner (me, dave and claire had had sandwiches at about 2pm) so by 7 we were all a little hungry. in a fit of starvation, claire suggested doing a munchie run, so her and dave (the other dave, not the dm) went to the shop and came back with crisps and biscuits. pringles (ok), chocolate fingers (yum) and jaffa cakes (can't stop eating...). so by 8 i was totally hyper and by 11:30 i couldn't sit still anymore and was whipping the strap of my bag around. then i got home and couldn't sleep, so stayed up reading (scott pilgrim - he rocks) until 2am. ahhhhhhh. oh well.
the game was fun. we jumped a portal to an extreme logical world, asked a bunch of questions, snuck into a prison, snuck out again, asked a tonne more questions, then headed to pandemonium. there we were met by a group of magic-wielding skeletons, who we dispatched easily - my character's favourite method of killing is to go etheral, drag her enemy into the etheral with her, shove them into a solid object and phase them back into the physical world. it works like a charm. and while she's etheral she can't be hit by physical things. wonderful wonderful stuff.

i havn't much else to say. i think my body has decided that 6 hours is enough sleep for me. after falling asleep at 2 last night, i woke at 8:30 and was completely wide awake. i think the problem is that my waking chemical is seriously strong. i wake up and that's it - i have to get up and get out of bed. if i try to fall back to sleep i can't. ah well. it could be worse.

we're minding my aunt's cat for 2 weeks. she's a cute little thing, but she's spent her first day hiding behind the couch. awh. and now she's lost somewhere in the clutter of the sitting room. i need a detect life spell or something. sometimes it would be so cool to be able to cast spells in reality.

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