what an evil sink-hole of mindless time-wasting is the internet. if i had some lyrical ability i would be inspired to write an ode to it's brain-sucking tendencies. but i don't so i will just have to suffice with an explanation. i came on to update my livejournal and i ended up looking at friend's pages and their friend's pages and reading totally random things and then i remembered that i had just come on to update my journal, not faff about for half an hour (wow, faff is an actual word - it didn't come up underlinedy in red. cool) doing randomness. anyway.
i did have something rational to say.
but for the life of me i can't remember it.
it had something to do with writing, because i've been typing up the end of my novel all morning. it probably had something to do with my love affair with zachery. he is the coolest person living in my head at the moment, some of the things he does are just so incredibly cool. and i came up with these things. but i probably am totally biased, much the way a mother will unconditionally love her son, no matter what sort of stupid things he does. "oh, you held up a bank and are wanted in 35 states. you excellent boy, i'm so proud of you, why couldn't your father have been more like you." not that zachery is a bank robber, but you know.
yea, i'm quite certain that's not what i wanted to say, but it will do.
p.s. the lies of locke lamora is one of the coolest books i've read in a long time.
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