muse friday night were brilliant. we got there just after doors opened and managed to get into the pit (somewhat illegitimately). waited for ages for the support to come on, but there was no support. muse themselves were fantastic - from their stage layout, to lights, and obviously the music. they rocked out quite a bit, but did spare some time for their more mellow tracks. and i could actually see the band most of the time, thanks to a mosh pit that opened right in front of us. it did not impress the security guys, but i thought it the best thing ever.
went to see the men who stare at goats last night. i enjoyed it, laughed lots - some of it was so preposterous, but some of it seemed to hold a grain of truth.
writing's going well. i think i have figured out a way to make chapter 6 work, and this is a very good thing.
i finished uncharted2 on sunday. it was a lot of fun. just gave up in annoyance with the number of guys to kill once. well - one thing that did annoy me was that i carried one particular gun for the last few hours just so i could use it to kill the bad guy at the end, and then the fight started and they just gave me some random default weapons. just cause they wanted me to kill him their way, not my way.
then lordkilljoy had to go to work, so i got to play dragon age: origins for a bit. it's fun, but you really have to have your head on going into fights.
i think that's all my news.
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